Domino: Chapter One - Steam

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  • Dedicated to My late grandmother

"Grandma I hope you're proud," - CL

"There were countless words sung to the sky from the great Shemok when the world of Lulinga was crafted is what my father told me long ago. But such things seemed impossible to my childish mind. However despite my hard head while I was young I found the answer in the tome of Imil." - Daris tu Abba

"على اليوم الأول غطى الرماد في السماء، وكانت وضعت في العالم من 9 (Upon the first day the ash covered the sky and the world was crafted by the nine)" - Shemok the creator

            The chorus of bells and whistles of cruised throughout the four walls of the grand city known to all as Alusta.  This was the sign the residents thought as another batch were prepared to enter this great capital.  “Here we go again,” he cried as his dark nose wrinkled at the sight of the locomotive approaching.

            The suit of gray upon his long frame was timeworn and so was his face.  Deep lines formed across his seasoned face as the next load of refugees made their leave of the old rusty steam engine.  This was a chance for escape most assumed since the warring lands had destroyed their homes with the constant raids and battles.

            “Another batch of rats,” the Alustian groaned when all the passengers left the train.  “Do you have your relocation papers?”  Several of the soiled people swayed their unkempt locks in response.  “No papers no entry,” he swiftly cried.  “The passage via the train may be free, but no one enters Alusta without the proper paperwork.”

            “Please you’ve got to let us in,” a frail man howled as he stepped forward from the crowd.  The clothes he wore were beaten and torn.  While the smudges upon his mature face brought disgust to the Alustian’s eyes.

            And the same could be said for his nails as well.  “I’ve got a family,” the man continued.  “There’s nowhere else to go except here.  So you’ve got to let us in.  If you send us back out there then we’ll surely die!”

            “No,” the Alustian roared.  “You either follow the rules or die!  Go back out to the sands for all I care.  Let the warring nations pillage and plunder you until your lice infested carcass falls!”

            “No,” several of the refugees cried, while another wailed, “Murderer!”

            Deep breaths escaped the Alustian’s firm lips while he turned his attention towards the front of the line once more.  “Those with papers please step forward.  And to those without return to wherever you came from, because if you don’t follow the rules then you won’t be allowed to enter!  Become one with the land since you’re nothing more than a bunch of desert dwellers.”

            Endlessly the tears fell from their dark eyes due to the harsh words he spoke.  Even though he understood the grief they suffered in their former homes, he refused budge since the verdict was final.  This was a difficult profession he thought while the earlier cluster lined against the wall, and the rest were forced to board the locomotive.  “Get ‘em out,” he howled as the whistle sounded in response when it headed out.

            “To those that survived I say welcome,” he cheerfully smirked.  “However since I’m sure this is everyone’s first time to Alusta then I must address a few warnings before entry.  Do not under any circumstance offend the nobles or else you’ll die.

            “Also you are not allowed to fraternize with the nobles.  In their eyes you are rats therefore they are not your equals.  And most of all do not for any instance assume that because you have been granted entry that you are equal to any of the residents since you are NOT!

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