Fall of Destiny: Day Three Point Five

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            The students roared before the old gymnasium was completely occupied.  The pep rally was set to begin and so was the second part to Lowery’s grand plan.  All the pieces were set.  And now it was up to Ryan and Anna to come through with their parts.

            He had stalled Melody as long as he could.  But the idea of that tower still nagged him.  "Why does Ms. Lane have that damn two foot tall tower of Melody in her room," he thought as he took his seat at the top row.

            The top row was bare and he liked it that way.  He knew the other students were terrified to be near him, and he relished in that knowledge.  “I love being me some days,” he whispered to himself.

            When Helen and Destiny arrived the first image they saw was Lowery sitting at the top row with a bag of popcorn in hand.  He noticed them as well and waved them over.  As they grew closer to the steps the crowd in front of him parted like the Red Sea.  He was astounded by how everyone avoided Destiny as if she had the plague until she and Helen reached where he sat.

            “I don’t know who is worse myself or you,” he snickered.  “It seems we both can get people to head far away from us.”  Destiny ignored his words as she took a seat beside him, and Helen tried to sit on his other side.

            Before her cheeks were planted on the wood Lowery immediately snapped, “That spot’s reserved.”  She grinned and giggled at his quick remark before taking a seat beside Destiny instead.  “He’s waiting for Anna isn’t he,” she whispered to her friend.  “Probably so,” Destiny responded.

            Their conversation was dreary to Lowery’s ears so he continued to munch on the popcorn before him.  Both Destiny and Helen were unsure of how Lowery had obtained the bag.  But they knew he was definitely enjoying it as he continued to crunch until Anna and Ryan arrived.

            Destiny sailed down the bleachers and fell into Ryan’s arms.  There were glares from the rest of the student body, but she didn’t care.  She disregarded their slurs as well.  However Lowery couldn’t take it as he threw popcorn at their heads.

            The white balls continued to rain until he roared, “Shut it!  Or else I’ll kick all of your asses.”  The crowd before him grumbled, and he felt his pressure rise.  He snapped once more as the popcorn rained down on their heads again forcing them to remain mute.

            Anna’s mind was full of glee as she ran up the steps.  Her red boots were shrill to Lowery’s ears as each step pierced his ears until she reached where he was seated.  His mind swirled as he made another addition to his never ending list on his phone.

            “Those damn boots need to be burned,” he whispered.  Her arms spread before she fell upon him before embracing him tightly.  "I swear this girl will be the death of me," he thought before whispering, “You’re irking me.”

            She overlooked his snide remarks as she laid there peacefully on top of him.  He struggled and flailed to free himself from her grip, but to no avail.  The horde of students around them took notice to Anna and Lowery’s embrace as they moaned and whispered about it.

            Lowery didn’t argue with them since it would be pointless in his current position.  His mind cleared and he firmly shoved Anna off.  He was finally free from her grasp and he cheerfully remarked, “I’m free!  Ms. Pearson, I never want you want to do ever again while we’re in public.”

            She frowned before hugging his arm instead.  Her head lowered as she sat there peacefully beside him.  To the outside world they were just another dysfunctional relationship, but to him it was annoying.

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