Delusions of Eden: Day Three

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            Her movements were sluggish when she awoke within the lush green realm once more.  Gradually the echoes of her companions’ swift feet entered her tender head, until her eyes widen at the sight before her.  Again the devilish hand reached for her as the veil extended further.  This was hell she thought as she sprung fast before fleeing the area like the rest had done.

            The routine was beyond tiresome to her tender head.  But despite her internal complaints this was where her heart belonged.  This world was the proper one in her mind with the endless forest around her, clean fresh air, and the handful of friends that were left.

            Shallow breaths escaped their lungs while the pace continued onwards.  However during the usual marathon for their lives Polly fell behind.  Leisurely the white sundress she wore like the rest of the women shifted, until the strain upon her legs was too much.  Swift drops sailed from her weary frame when her pace came to a halt.

            There were no sounds from her lips when the murky curtain covered her warm flesh.  Her immediate thoughts were of death while the dark figure lurked closer.  The sudden waft of its pungent odor was too much for her nostrils.  Yet despite the fear that swelled further inside she never made a noise in return.

            To her this creature was a horrid thing that lived within the darkness.  Its bright red eyes glowed brightly, while the thick fur coat shook before the long curved snoot crumpled.  And the roar escaped its sharp mouth, though the each was beyond stained deep in the golden phlegm.

           She was certain that she would be devoured like rest.  Gradually its tongue extended until her body was completely bound.  Immediately her mind went blank before the entered the fiend’s mouth.

            Leisurely the timeworn structure shattered like glass when the crooked teeth penetrated her skin after she sailed further into this foul creature’s mouth.  The crimson liquid spilled from the dark lips once the final act was done.  Despite the gruesome sounds of Polly’s death it continued to chew on her deceased carcass, until each morsel was consumed.

            Once the meal was complete the deep roars escaped its lips before the marathon began anew.  With each step from the beast’s long limbs the dark veil extended.  But eventually the prey was beyond its grip again as it rose from running stance.

            Though the fiend was a monstrous sight to behold upon all four of its limbs, when it rose to its hind legs the long frame grew.  Again the loud howl escaped the dark lips before the long arms sailed backwards along with its frame.  While it laid there the silence engulfed the area, until the long slumber began anew.

            The breaths they took escalated, until their swift steps halted once they were far enough.  Normalcy engulfed them all for a while, until the head count began anew.  Absolute fear filled their warm heads when the result was one short.

            “Oh damn,” Oliver immediately griped.  “Polly’s dead!  Damn it this ain’t good, this ain’t good at all!”

            “Our numbers are dwindling fast,” Arty quickly followed.

            The outcome before them was beyond miserable as each of their minds dove deeper into the depression.  Constantly the darkness would creep further and the swiftness would overwhelm them as the hunt continued.  But that’s all this was to Margo as she sank deeper into the depression from the loss of Polly.

            Hastily the words escaped Nancy’s mouth, “Are we going to do another ceremony?”

            “Not right now,” Arty responded.  “We have to rest while we can.  But I promise we’ll do something for her before we leave.  Just right now it’s best not to waste what precious time we do have, okay.”

            To this they could agree while their frames headed in various directions.  Margo’s position was underneath the cool shade of a sturdy oak.  Oliver’s feet were ablaze as he paced around, but Arty was more level headed before making the soft earth his bed again, and Nancy did the same.

            Endlessly the light shined down from the treetops.  Despite the refreshing warmth the hectic thoughts still churned within Margo’s brain.  In her mind she desired an escape, but her best attempts were futile as the reality came pouring in.

            Uncertainty flowed through her head as the countless days passed, until she was unable to determine when one day had passed and another began.  The endless struggle to never succumb to the darkness was what she understood as the light wrapped around her body.  In spite of the constant competition for survival she did have hope that at the end of Eden there would be an abundance of light.

            That was her dream.  Though the dream she held was simple, she refused to budge from it regardless of what the rest said.  And honestly that was all she craved in a difficult moment like this one.

            Gradually she felt herself slide, while the thoughts of fading into Twin Ledges returned anew.  “Don’t run,” were the swift words that escaped Arty’s lips as she scowled.

            “It’s just rough you know,” she bit.

            “Yeah I do,” he exhaled.  “But it’s not right for you to keep shifting in and out whenever you feel like it.  You have to face this head on.  This for however foul it may seem is the only place we call home.”

            As usual Margo understood the words he spoke were correct, but it was annoying since he was always right.  Even though his face was filled with youth the tone he spoke was like a man twice his age which frequently bothered her.

            “If you were a bit older then I would,” she began.

            He immediately interjected, “You would what?”

            “I would marry you,” she blushed in response.

            Instantly the rosy response was made while his eyes glistened.  “You would,” he followed.  “Guess that makes me the luckiest guy in all of Eden then.”

            After the last stomp Oliver’s pacing came to a halt as he interjected, “That’s enough you love birds.  If you don’t mind then I’d rather not have another couple on this path with us.  Recall our fallen married friends?  Do you remember why they died?”

            Again the excruciating memories flooded her head.  Each of their fallen married comrades desired to rescue their partners, and by doing so another life was lost.  Such an action seemed foolish to Margo, but as it stood now she was unsure.  She knew that she was capable of the same, but only for Arty.

            In her eyes Arty was a man full of youth that had never specified his exact age.  The short black locks upon his cream head was only the start of his beauty.  Slowly her eyes scrolled further down his smooth face, until her hazel eyes locked upon the pearls of steely gray.  And slowly the beautiful smile came upon his face as the feelings came rushing within her.

            Even with Oliver’s earlier words lingering within his head the redness never left.  The urges he felt wouldn’t stay contained as he lifted from the sand bed.  And with each step closer her heart pulsed faster until his lips were upon hers.

            Immediately Oliver’s hands connected to his forehead while the disgust took a hold of him.  This was just as he feared as he cried, “You two are fools!  You hear me we’re all going to die now, damn it!”

            Perhaps his remarks were correct, but such ideals didn’t matter when she fell deeper into passion with Arty.  Seeing the sight was a horrid experience for Oliver to endure, and his anger lingered until he like Nancy fell into slumber.  Though this wasn’t the first moment of passion for Margo, this moment was the first in a long while.

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