Delusions of Eden: Day Six

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            Gradually the veil swept forward when his hurried pace continued along.  “This is the endgame,” escaped as the rumbles sailed anew.  “Shame he wasn’t as filling as I assumed he would’ve been.  But soon I’ll receive my final treat!”

            Dementia swirled around the pale room whilst the laughter returned in full from the youthful creature.  “Not too long before he arrives.”

            “You bitch,” Margo wailed.  “Release me now!”

            “No,” she groaned in reply.  “You’ll die and then happiness will return.”

            “What the hell are you on about, you demented bitch?”

            The malevolence shined once the grin stretched onwards.  “When you’re dead that’ll be the moment he’ll rest for entity.”

            Each word skipped along Margo’s eardrums, until the melody was revealed in full.  “So that thing is doing all this to sleep?”

            The girl chuckled before vanishing and reappearing all over the room.  Sniggers escaped the creature’s mouth while she vanished again.  “If it were that simple dear Margo Holt then I would’ve explained his goal.  Yet doing so would spoil the fun!”

            The guards were confined outside, while notions of escape occupied Margo’s brain, but the idea was futile while this dreadful organism remained.  “You can’t escape,” echoed throughout.  “If you truly want to flee this realm, then you’ll have to beg.”

            Dryness overwhelmed Margo’s eyes before she attempted to bolt from this world again.  However the action was fruitless when the wicked grin stretched forward.  “Do you give?”

            The profuse amount of tears stained Margo’s face once more.  “Yes.  Just let me out of here, DAMN IT!”

            The tainted individual spun in joy while the gleeful titters poured.  “The great mistress has been defeated.  Although you can leave for now, I promise you will return.”

            The agonizing emotions lingered once she awoke in the world of Eden.  Ghastly visions engulfed her mind when the loneliness reigned over Margo’s head.  The trembles ran down her spine when the shrill grumble escaped the veil looming behind.

            She was certain of what this creature craved.  However the will to struggle against its might faded after the countless deaths.  First the loss of her children and sister sent her mind into turmoil.  Then the loss of Kel pressed further on the wounds inflicted.

            Next the loss of Polly in Eden dented the reflection further, until Arty passed as well.  Although she felt his death would shatter the mirror forever, another fell but this time within Twin Ledges.  Once Polly had perished both within Eden and then in Twin Ledges, the looking glass was finally destroyed.  “Just kill me now,” she roared.

            The grains of sand crumpled beneath his heavy feet when he escaped the shadow.  “Shame and I expected more from the woman I loved,” the voice remarked.

            Excitement coursed throughout her veins when her eyes intertwined upon her fallen prince.  “Arty,” she wailed before her hands enveloped his form.

            Her gaze was brief once she noticed the alterations to his attire.  “Why did you change?”  The submersion into silence drove forced her mind deeper into lunacy, until she veered further from the shell.  Although the individual seemed similar to the man she loved, he wasn’t the complete package.  “Who are you,” she fired.

            Confusion rolled across his tender face, “I’m Arty, the man you love, and I expected you of all people to recall that.”

            The tears swelled, until they spilled from Margo’s weary eyes.  “Although you may look like him, I assure you’re not the man I love.  Arty, my Arty, died saving Oliver.  So I’ll ask you again, who the hell are you?”

            “I keep telling you I’m Arty,” he moaned.  “I don’t understand how, but I am still alive.  Isn’t it enough for me to be here now, for you to accept the truth?”

            Regardless of the words spoken the scars remained.  “I swear that the man I love is deceased, and nothing you or I can do will ever change that fact.”

            The stride drew him closer, until their lips intertwined once more.  While she recalled this sensation the chill of his soft flesh was unbearable as she pulled away.  “You aren’t him,” she replied.

            “I swear that I am him, and that’s who I have always been!”

            Despite the words said she continued to reject the notion.  The individual may have sounded, appeared, and even recalled what Arty did, however the soul that once resided within his former shell had long since passed.  “You’re an illusion,” she bellowed.

            “Am not,” he wailed before he fell towards the dusty path.  “I exist whether you accept it or not, but I am Arty!”

            Fret filled her cranium once the freezing wind blurred her vision, until she sank to her knees.  The lines were blurred, ran throughout her head while the darkness faded.  Once more the tireless assault continued when the malicious faces of the attendants entered her view, before the infinite applause echoed inside her head.

            The drops of crimson spilled again from her frail frame, until the spews of food combined with the blood.  Even though her mind frantically tried to understand the situation, the idea was hopeless when the two environments merged.  The sapphire hue encompassed the once pastel cell, while the lavender haze filled the world of Eden that existed within this unison.

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