Delusions of Eden: Day Three Point Five

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            Once more the previous words spoken returned in her head while their bodies pressed harder against one another.  Each thrust sent her deeper into the memory from Twin Ledges, until she recalled her husband’s face vividly.  “Jim,” she moaned though Arty never heard her words as she slipped deeper into the memory.

            Though the tale she spun in Twin Ledges was the truth, however the past she recalled wasn’t in that world instead it was here within Eden.  This was where she raised her children the best that she could without her former husband by her side.  But when the path was formed she left her sons Joe and Luke in the care of her younger sister Janice, or at least that’s what she had hoped for.

            Again the dark day replayed intensely in her clouded mind, until she found herself reliving the pain and sorrow she had tried to suppress.  Sluggishly the darkness crept further while Margo took her leave of the peaceful village to explore the new fascination.  Yet the horror that lied behind her wasn’t known, but the guilt she felt for leaving was.

            Kel’s firm hand grasped her tighter with each step as he bit, “Margo come on Joe and Luke will be there when we get back.”

            “I know, but still I’m still their mother.  So excuse me for having mixed feelings about this.  Couldn’t you have taken Janice instead?”

            “Do you honestly think Jan would’ve left the village for anything,” he followed.

            She sighed, “You’re right as always.”

            The cheer flowed from ear to ear while he said, “Listen to big bro and you’ll be fine Margo.  Don’t worry too much we’ll be back in a short while.”

            Despite the glee the fear still seeped through the façade.  In his eyes the guarantee of arriving back home in a day or two was unknown, but he knew such words could never be said to someone like Margo.  Her mind was alright distraught from Jim’s departure several months ago, and the truth about his suspicions would only drive her further into depression.  Such a thing wasn’t what he desired as he led further along.

            However while their steps were fast and true the veil slid closer towards the fair village in this abundant forest.  The experience was confusing to all that fell under its immense shroud.  And though Kel had tried to lead Margo further the horror poured into her eyes as the shadow swallowed the town whole.

            After the horrid sight was seen by her orbs of hazel she found herself recalling when Kel was left behind after the fierce attack from William.  He was a ruthless man that indulged in raping the younger females and injuring the males.  And unfortunately such a man was their self-proclaimed leader for most of their trek upon the path.

            Though many had tried to challenge his stern command most had failed, and Kel had failed as well after Margo’s rape.  Each second in that horrid event was like pure hell to her.  Again the clothing left his body like it did with the rest as her limbs became bound.  She had tried to plea and even flee from him, but nothing was worse than when it began.

            Swiftly the tears sailed from her eyes while the memories continued during her moment of passion.  Like Arty was attempting William had moved, but unlike with Arty she never wanted that action as she cried during the entire ordeal.  Once his fill was made the branch connected with his head.  The tears still poured as she saw Kel in flames from this revelation.

            But this was the start of the unfortunate feud between the two men.  Though Kel had thought it was best to keep their distance from the main party that William led, it was impossible to keep to such a pace due to the darkness.  And because of this he held his tongue during their time with the group, but after the weeks passed he tried again.

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