Fall of Destiny: Reintegration Report

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            Weeks passed by before Lowery touched the case file again.  The name Destiny Mallow brought a smile to his face.  He understood enough time had passed, and now it was time to craft the reintegration report.


Case number 61, Destiny Mallow:

            This case like the previous cases was challenging, however unlike the rest I experienced my first run in with a transgendered patient.  At first I assumed this would be a tough case to take head on, and for the most part I was correct.  This case was beyond difficult.

            My list of irks continuously extended each day I spent with her, so much so that I crafted a new rule in her honor.  ‘Rule 31: Never allow the patient to put the doctor in physical danger.’  There were the random jocks at school, the cheerleaders as well as their boyfriends, and even the people at the mall.

            This job had more danger than any of my previous jobs.  But outside of the random danger I faced at each turn, I did have fun.  The last time I had this level of excitement was with Anna’s reintegration.

            Thanks to this case I was able to resolve a few loose ends in her life and my own as well.  The main loose end that needed to be dealt with was Melody Fleming.  She was my ex-girlfriend, as well as a former friend to Destiny, and the only link we shared.

            After she apologized to Destiny she told the cheerleaders the truth in full.  Because of this she fell like I expected.  The school’s punishment wasn’t as severe, thankfully.  That is unless she viewed community service for the next few months at the local daycare as severe.

            Currently she has been taking time away from school to recover.  And from what I’ve found out she’s been debating the age old piece of advice I give to all my patients.  Try home schooling if you can’t reintegrate after falling.

            However I still had no clue how the student body learned of the full situation, but they did.  Because of this her first day back was rough.  They had a new target, and her life wouldn’t be the same ever again because of it.  It’s kismet since she did wrong first.

            As for Kit, I hear she’s having a rough time adjusting to her new life at military school.  I still feel that Helen went overboard on the selection, but oh well.  She was a definite plus to have during Anna’s absence.

            Without her assistance I would’ve never considered tickets to Peter’s game as a perfect goodbye gift.  If I sold those then I would probably become a rich man.  However seeing as I am already rich that would only add wealth to the wealth I already have.

            Ryan’s situation with his team was settled after his speech and for that I’m glad.  The team took a long while before they came to accept their captain’s choice.  However the fact that their opening game was following week also helped accelerate their final verdict.

            Also Destiny was doing well.  Her progression was slow at first, but overall she is exceeding my initial expectations.  There was still a small portion of the school and the city that couldn’t accept what she was.  But the rest didn’t care after my plan came full circle.

            Even though it was tough to reach this current point, it was worth it.  However my initial outlook of the situation was flawed as I gained a clear view after my debacle with the cheerleaders.  In retrospect that was a terrible idea I originally had.

            Because of that failed attempt I proceeded with my backup plan.  And I was beyond thankful during Ryan’s thought provoking speech.  Since I knew without those words my plan could’ve failed.

            The video spread like wildfire and even reached beyond Farrow.  This will be helpful to others if they ever stumble upon a complicated case like this one.  Though in all honesty, I never want to go through such a grueling task ever again.

            Overall this case was a success.  However the potential cases ahead of me looked difficult.  But those could wait until after the vacation Anna promised me.  It is a shame my month vacation wasn’t truly a vacation until the end.

            Anna had gotten invited to a cruise by her former band mates.  I hope she doesn’t claim this as a date.  But oh well, I’ll endure it somehow since I truly need a break from the stress of case 61.  At least the case is finally closed.

J.C. Lowery

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