Domino: Chapter Three - Hunter

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“على الرغم من أن يتم تعبئة كل حياة عدد لا يحصى من المحن تكون أكبر محاكمة من خلال وصول خيانة (Although each life is filled countless tribulations the greatest trial shall arrive through betrayal)” – Shemok the creator

            Each thought inside of Naveed’s head seemed flawed as the verses whirled further.  Swift beads sailed from his brow while his gentle steps glided across the beige floor.  Although his pace quickened with the passing minutes within the House of Council, his daughter, Astera’s stride was lax despite the tedious process before them.

            Once again the robes of black shifted against their seasoned frames before their eyes connected to the two bodies.  “State your business,” rumbled throughout the hall.

            The wrinkles that had formed on Naveed’s fallow face increased, while the droplets splashed the wooden podium.  “What I desire good sirs,” he choked.  “I would like a chance to converse about the information that has presented itself to me recently.”

            “And what information would this be,” the intrigued voice followed.

            Gradually the extensive breaths escaped his lungs while the moist palms connected.  “The subject,” he gasped.  “The subject of discussion concerns the core rule of Alusta.”

            Their eyes intertwined once the timeworn limbs stretched forward.  “Is there a name for this party,” the elder queried.

            Confidence coursed through her veins as the loud ‘yes’ escaped her firm lips.  “Daris tu Abba is the party that my father was mentioning.  Although he has for the past few years served as a swell Domino in the eyes of the Council and Lord Cyrus, but his loyalty to our glorious Alustian ways are in question.”

            Regardless of the concern held his position returned to norm, before the piercing words danced along his tongue.  “If the words that have been spoken are correct then you will converse with us.  However I would advise no further injections except for the witness.  This means that all other parties within our presence must remain silent, or suffer the grave consequences that will follow.”

            Hard swallows of the warm saliva poured down Naveed’s throat after their remarks were finished.  Internally he craved the same treatment that Astera had been granted.  Yet his form was constrained to silence.  Another slight movement was made from his nervous body, until he rested upon the marble bench.

            Despite the courage mustered earlier the fright twirled within Astera’s mind, once the warmth of her father’s presence faded.  Sluggishly the drops slid down her gorgeous bronze face when the firm words pressed against her lips.  “Where should I begin?”

            “From the beginning,” the collective bellowed.

            Constant turmoil filled her once the thoughts swirled faster inside her head.  “The tale of my brother’s offenses began eight years, when he was still thirteen and I was merely twelve,” were the words that escaped the quivering lips.  “Although I tried countless times to forget his frail frame gliding down the stairs, the image was seared into my brain as the action continued again and again.

            “The dungeon where our mother resided was the location he fled to each day.  Even though the words he said were faint they remained while they communed as usual.  Yet, when the firm statement of freeing the lice from her icy cage was made, I immediately dashed towards father to tell him of Daris’s treasonous idea.

            “The memory of father’s concern rang clear as he cried for the servants.  Their actions were instant once they restrained my foolish brother and bound him firmly to wall.  The sensation of the cold steel against his bare flesh chilled him, yet the sight of our father terrified him senseless.

            “His brown orbs flickered with the movements of the hot iron, until the branding began.  Each bloodcurdling scream brought pleasure into my ears.  While, the tears streamed fast down his tender face.  After the permanent mark was made, father left him there to reminisce on his wrongdoings.

            “However I feared he was destined for failure once the mark of the lice was made.  That is when the revolt against not only me, but my father as well began.  Once more his limbs snuck down the stairs, while I followed silently behind.  His thin fingers slithered across the steel bars of the cage, until his eyes locked onto the eternal creature called Catalyst.

            “Numerous days went past while his form matured, but the endless stare never ceased when he gazed upon her.  Her position never changed while he remained down there, but even though she appeared human I understood that she wasn’t.  Concerns filled my father’s head once he learned of Daris’s fascination in the organism.

            “Yet none of those concerns grew to fruition, until the foul former rat was interjected into our lives.  Untold hours were spent with this boy called Kontar.  However when the tiresome conversations of sixteen year olds peaked and the acquaintanceship was formed I told father of this travesty.

            “Once the preparations were finally set the blacksmith as well as his apprentice were invited to our home again.  Although the reason for their visit was false, since they assumed father desired repair, but the true result was death.  Though the blemish had been purged from our world the death shook Daris to his core.  Instead of being the swift kick intended to remind him of our noble ways, his mindset remained.

            “Then the fateful night our grandfather’s final breaths arrived.  Each member of our family understood that the loss of this dear man would be difficult, yet the verdict that escaped his lips astonished us all.  Daris, my failure of a brother, was named the next Domino in line.

            “Despite the shock my father and I initially felt, the first action from our new Domino lead him back to the drafty area again.  Like earlier he wasted time with the wench; however questions swarmed my mind when the cage’s lock was undone.

            “Distress danced inside my head once the shackles upon her eternal frame were lost.  Granted the fact that my brother was fond of the creature, but to me she was lice.  She was a foul being that reeked of the same putrid odor as the rest.  Yet to my brother this individual was a diamond in the rough.

            “His possessive nature shined from then on.  Until shortly after her freedom the relationship began.  Regardless of the years that passed the unlawful bond was still intact, as he rushed deeper into the lust with the Catalyst.  Though emotions he felt eventually rose to their maximum, when the idea of marriage was considered.

            “However decision made was absurd, then the recent offense occurred.  Day after day he refused to heed our father’s advice about the Catalyst.  And I assumed that the wise words from a fellow Domino would shatter the illusion.

            “Yet my assumptions were wrong as his stubborn nature shimmered more.  The cause of the insubordination was not what I had originally conceived, which was his time with the Dominos had solidified his views.  Though in spite of this his true purpose was to hear the Catalyst’s voice, and that is why I stand here today.  And once the wish was granted his fate was sealed.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2012 ⏰

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