Touring the World

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It's finally time for this crazy Magcon family to go on a world tour! I mean what's a better way to spend quality time with the people you love by exploring new places? This is going to be the best three months ever.

*Brea's POV*

Packing for three months is the hardest task I've ever had to do. I've got two gigantic suitcases and a whole wardrobe of clothes. My thought was to just stuff everything I own into them.. But that didn't exactly work out. It looks like a clothing bomb had hit.

"Packing police," A voice says from my doorway, "Step away from the cases,"

"Please officer, save me from the mess I've made," I pout slumping down on the fluffy beanbag in the corner of my room. The only space that's not been covered in belongings.

Trinity is the best person ever at packing. One time I remember she had two outfits for every night and then several backups just in case when we went on a camping trip for a weekend, Friday to Monday, and she only took a gym bag.

"Brea... Why is your toothbrush inside three pairs of socks and your timberland boots?" She laughs unraveling the little toothbrush sock parcel I'd made,

"Well I tried the whole packing thing you see on Instagram... But I forgot what they did so I improvised," I explain taking hold of my toothbrush and putting it into my toiletry bag.

She just shook her head and laughed before somehow packing both cases and hand luggage as well as restocking my wardrobe with the rest of the clothing items that seemed to have thrown themselves all over every free space in my room.

"Tomorrow is going to be amazing!" I squeak, jumping up from my seat,

"I can't wait," Trinity replies slumping down on the bed, "But I am totally exhausted. Packing both mine and your luggage is all my exercise for today,"

"Come on I smell food," I giggle following my nose to the door,

"I'm sure you're part canine."

That could possibly be true. I always judge people, food and places by the way they smell. I must have some sort of dog like ancestor or something.

As we made our way downstairs and into the kitchen we were treated by an array of foods as well as my mum, Brad, Trinity's parents and younger sister Cassidy.

"Well you can't go to the other side of the world without having one last meal as a family," Trinity's dad said as we walked into the room, "Come on dig in,"

"Don't mind if I do," I drool as a plonk myself into an empty seat.

Everyone just laughs before helping themselves to the buffet my mum had prepared. I always love the food she makes especially on special occasions such as birthdays. Recently she's been doing the sort of birthday food me and Trin love before we leave for tour. Tradition can be beautiful, especially when it comes to food.

Soon enough everything's gone and we're all slumped in our chairs unable to move from the amount of food we've all consumed.

"I think I've literally become a human meatball," Cassidy moans looking down at her stomach,

"Please. You're the skinniest person I know," Trinity rolls her eyes as she eventually pushes herself up from her chair.

When I could finally stand up me, Trinity and Cassidy all went outside and sat by the pool. I don't really know why.. Girl time I guess.

Cassidy's basically like a little sister I never had. She's only a few years younger than me but I feel like both me and Trin have had a big influence on her. From fashion to beauty, we've taught her it all.

"I'm going to miss you guys," Cassidy whispers,

"Awe kiddo," I pout throwing my arms around her, "We're going to miss you tonnes,"

"More than tonnes," Trinity says giving a reassuring smile, "It won't seem like we've been gone for two minutes with school, volleyball practise and meeting up with your friends everyday,"

"I know," She sighs pulling us both into a hug.

Cassidy's the brains. She aces all her tests with a solid A+ and her parents are on about sending her to a private school to secure her chances of Yale. Me and trinity are just so lucky to have got a chance of fame but it's still only a reach away. We don't consider ourselves as celebrities, just lucky to be honest.

Touring Reality (Shawn Mendes and Sammy Wilkinson FanFiction)BOOK2!Where stories live. Discover now