Chap 1: If I Ever Get Around to Living (by John Mayer)

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July 2, 2013

It's 8 am and it's way too early to be up. I have been quite lazy since the end of the semester. I just finished my first year of the Anthropology MA/PhD program at the University of Pennsylvania.  I have been crashing at Riley's apartment in Center City Philadelphia for the past six months. When I decided to leave my ex and walk away from our life together I never thought it would take me so long to find a new place to live.  I have been distracted with the breakup for the last six months and neglected my school work. I decided to take a break from my program at school for a year and use the time off to choose a research topic for my PhD.  My dissertation is the final achievement that I have to work toward during my postgraduate education to receive my PhD.  It will be the focus of what my future work is based on for many years to come.

My parents want me to come back home to NJ and I refuse.  I don't want to return to my home and live in the same town where I spent 18 years of my life. I love my family but we are quite the dysfunctional family. My mom is a functioning alcoholic during the weekdays and in a passed out stupor on the weekends. My dad is withdrawn from our family life and has a temper that he can switch on in a second. I have a brother that is five years older than me and hated his little sister following him around everywhere. We were close when we were little, he helped take care of me when my parents were out partying too late at night and hung over the next day.  They lacked greatly in the parenting area and it showed when their 13 years old daughter had no curfew, no one really cared where she was and  would spend days at her friends' houses just to avoid being home.

My friend Flora offered me to stay with her in England during my year off from school. It would be great for me to take a mental break and hideout in a place where no one knows who I am.  Being in England would be amazing.  I would be able to explore a new country and spend time with my best friend. The other option is to stay in Philadelphia and find a new apartment.  Ugh, I hate making decisions. 

I get out of bed, turn the radio on and jump into the shower. I hear the radio host say that John Mayer is having a private show tonight to play songs from his new album Paradise Valley. I met John and his band a few years ago at a music festival that my ex-boyfriend was playing.  I can't believe John didn't tell me he would be in town.

The moment I get out of the shower I call his bass player Daniel.  He picks up on the first ring. "Hey Olivia! Where have you been hiding?" 

Shit. I was hoping no one would have missed me over the past six months. "I have been around. I just finished up the semester at school.  Daniel, I have a quick question.  Do you think you can get me on the list for tonight? I really want to come see everyone."

Daniel says, "No problem, I can't wait to catch up."  I hope I am not making the wrong decision. I have tried to stay away from the friends that Vinnie and I share.

I run a few errands around the city to kill time before the concert.  I have a late lunch with Riley at our favorite cafe.  It is a beautiful summer day so we sit outside and talk about the concert tonight. 

I tell her, "I am worried about going to the concert. It's been a while since I have been out with my friends."

"You need to just go and stop over thinking everything. I guarantee you while will have a great time."

I love Riley.  We have formed an amazing friendship over the past six months, plus she is like my own personal therapist always giving advice even when it is not wanted.  

After lunch we head back to her place and I start to get ready for tonight. I put on my comfortable black skinny jeans with rips on the knees, my vintage Eagles tank top, and my black converse. I straighten my long red hair and throw on some nude eye shadow, mascara, and lip gloss. Before I head out the door I take quick look in the mirror. I think to myself, This is as good as it is going to get. I feel like a shell of the person I was six months ago. The only thing that is the same is my red hair and the freckles that sweep across my cheeks and the bridge of my nose.

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