Chapter 9: You're Beautiful (by James Blunt)

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As I step off the plane I see Niall, he has the biggest smile on his face. He looks so happy to see me. He is probably just as surprised as I am that I got on the flight.  I walk over to the car that he has waiting for us and he meets me half way giving me a hug.

"I'm so happy you came."

"Me too," I say but I am actually thinking that this whole thing is crazy. I was just crying over Vinnie and now I am in the arms of Niall Horan.

Niall grabs my bag and we head for the car. He tells me that the boys are excited to meet me but first he needs to drop me off at the hotel. He has interviews that he has to get to but promises me that when he is done we will have dinner and catch up.

Niall insisted that the room is on him since he invited me to L.A. When I get to the room I look around and it is beautiful. I have a king size bed with a small sofa and coffee table.  The bathroom is bigger than Riley's apartment and it has a soaking tub. The room also has a balcony that overlooks the pool. It is hot here in LA so I think about heading down to the pool to cool off after I take a nap.  I am emotionally exhausted from last night. I want to rest up for dinner. When I wake up from my nap, I have a text from Niall saying that he should be back to the hotel at 6pm and we can meet up for dinner at 7pm.  I have two hours to get ready before dinner so I throw on my cute hot pink one piece swimsuit that I packed hoping that I would have a chance to use it while here. I pull my hair back in a ponytail, grab my black cover up, phone, room key and head out to the pool.

It's 5pm and the pool is pretty empty.  Everyone is probably getting ready for their night out. I don't get to swim much when I am home because it is so expensive to join a pool for the summer so I am not going to let the opportunity to use the pool pass me by. I throw my coverup on the lounge chair and get into the water.  It is warm from the sun beating down on it all day. I could stay in the pool all night.  It feels amazing to just float around and not have a care in the world.  I get out of the pool after a half hour and relax on the lounge chair. Before I know it its 6pm. I have to get up to the room and shower for dinner.

At 7pm on the dot there is a knock on the door. I just got done getting dressed and still have to finish my hair and makeup. I run to the door and greet Niall.

"Hey.  Come in.  I'm not ready yet.  Hope you don't mind waiting."

As he enters through the door, he gives me a smile saying, "No hurry. We can order room service if that would be easier. I am exhausted from all the interviews today and wouldn't mind staying in."

"Ok.  Sounds like a plan.  Just give me a few minutes."

As I come out of the bathroom I throw my hair in a ponytail. I sit on the bed and grab the room service menu.

My mind starts to race thinking about being in the room alone with Niall.  It's so hard to be the cool girl that he met just a few days ago. I was in my element, my friends, my city and now I'm in his world.

Niall quickly brings me back to reality, asking me what I want to eat."What do you think you want to eat.  It all sounds so good.  I am starving."

"How about a cheeseburger with a double order for fries. Oh and maybe a banana milkshake."

He looks at me with wide eyes and smiles. "A girl after my own heart." His comment makes me feel shy. Did I order too much?

He catches on that I am unsure about myself and tries to make me feel better "I like when a girl is not afraid to eat in front of a guy.  I enjoy food and if you are going to hang with me you need be able to enjoy it too."

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