Chapter 12: Sand In My Shoe (by Dido)

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As soon as I get to the baggage claim I see Riley waving at me.  Who would have thought that my closest friend is the girl that I had the biggest rivalry with.  We met at school and she was the biggest bitch. During the first week of class we were paired up to work on a research project. The project focused on local programs that help teen mothers who are raising their children alone. Riley refused to listen to any of my suggestions. She even went as far to ask our professor if she could work alone on the project.  She was not a team player and just didn't like working with other people.  But that was no reason to be a bitch.  After a few weeks of working together she began to realize I had a wealth of knowledge that could help our project.  I grew up not too far from the city and also interned at a program in undergrad where I was an advocate for teen mothers.

To this very day I still tease Riley about her stubbornness.  After that semester we became inseparable when we were on campus.  However our personal lives never really matched up.  I was always out late listening to bands and hanging out at bars with my boyfriend. She didn't have too many friends being that she was from out of state.  Due to her competitive nature in class she didn't have a line of people waiting to be her friend. She would stay in on the weekends and study instead of going out and exploring the city.

Six months ago when I showed up on her doorstep crying with no place to go; she welcomed me in.  I went to Riley because she was the only person who would not be brought into the middle of the Vinnie and Liv tornado. She was the only friend I had outside Vinnie and my group of friends.  She held my many nights as I cried myself to sleep and I will never forget the vital role she played in my recovery.

As I walk to Riley she gives me a huge hug.  "I need all the details of the trip to L.A."

I tell her about ordering dinner in and  watching the movie, our fun trip Santa Monica, and the kiss.

"O.M.G. you kissed him?  What was it like?  Everything you ever dreamed of?"  She pauses for a moment thinking about what I just told her.  "Wait, I thought you just wanted to be friends?"

"I do want to be just friends. But Riley I couldn't help myself.  The things that he says to me are so amazing.  He brings my heart back to life. He makes me feel alive."

Riley being the sensible one asks, "How could he make you feel like that after just two days?"

"Riley I am not saying I am going to run off and marry him. I just think that he makes me feel good about myself and I need that right a friend."

"I'm just looking out for you.  It's your life so I guess you know what's best for you." She says shrugging her shoulders.

I give her a glare and she quickly changes the subject. Riley learned early on when to back off. I don't like people telling me how I should feel or what to do.

She picks a safer topic asking, "Have you decided if you are staying in the city or going back home to New Jersey? No pressure. Just asking."

"I still need to figure it all out. I am giving myself the next few days to come up with a plan."

Once we get home Riley helps me unpack my suitcase while hangout and chat for a little while. When she leaves for the library to study, I decide to text Niall to let him know I got home safely.

Olivia:  Hi!  I made it home safely.  Thank you for a fun few days.                                                                                                                                                 

Niall: Good. I was getting worried.                                                                                                                     

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