Chapter 33: Better In Time (Leona Lewis)

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"Vinnie I am leaving for England in two days." He looks at me like this is the most preposterous thing he has ever heard. "Yes, I know it sounds crazy but it's true. I am leaving for a year."

"But why?! " he asks, in shock.

"I have been having a difficult time with life these past few months. You were my life and when we broke up, I didn't know how to function anymore. I started to struggle with school and I did the minimum to get by. I lost interest in everything and couldn't figure out how to handle it."

"Liv, you were the top of your program. How did you let this happen?" his voice was full of disappointment.

"You act like I just decided to fuck up in school. Do you realize I could not function? I could not breathe. I needed you and you broke me!"

His attitude turned from disappointment to anger in a matter of seconds. "Seriously! You can't put this all on me! There were two people in the relationship."

"Yes I can! You ruined us!"

I can feel the heat rise between us as we sit and stare at each other. Our voices are getting louder as the crowd thins out; we are about to have it out. This conversation was not supposed to turn into a fight. I need to get us back to civilized territory and I know the best way to make the playing field even.

I call for the bartender, "James, can we have two shots of tequila, please?"

James must know that this conversation is about to take a wrong turn because he brought us two shot glasses and left the bottle of tequila on the bar in front of us. I fill our shot glasses and we down our first of many shots to come.

I turn to him and say, "Before we get into the how and why we ended, let me get back to why I am leaving. I figured if I took a year off and get my life back together, it would be better for my well being and my schooling. I talked to Flora and I am going to live with her. Sometime away from here will be good for me."

Vinnie rolls his eyes saying, "It's a little convenient that your new boyfriend lives in England."

"He is not my boyfriend and my decision to go there has nothing to do with him. Flora had invited me to stay with her a month ago."

He really has no right to even mention Niall. He is really pissing me off right now so I poor another shot.

"Want another one?" I ask while I fill our shot glasses.

Vinnie shakes his head yes, grabs his shot.

We tap our shot glasses and down the tequila. After making the worst face after this shot, Vinnie says, "I want to talk to you about why things ended between us."

I roll my eyes at him. "I know why we ended. You didn't want to marry me and have a family. You wanted to run around the country and be free while strumming your guitar."

"Liv, you need to stop blaming me..." I cut him off and ask, "Another shot?"

My blood starts to boil when I hear the name Liv. I decide that every time he pisses me off I am going to make him take a shot so I fill the glasses again.

Vinnie continues what he was saying before I cut him off. "I tried to talk to you about this for almost two years. Every time I brought it up you ignored the topic or started a fight with me about something else so that we didn't have to talk about it."

"Your version of talking would be about missing each other while you where away for a weekend and how difficult it is going to be it you have to go on a long tour. You never said a marriage wasn't something that wouldn't work for you. I wanted you to follow your dreams."

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