Chapter 18: Leaving on a Jet Plane (by Chantal Krevianzuk)

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After meeting with management about the article on the gossip site, I find myself on a jet to Houston.  I can't believe I am sitting here after the go around we had with management this morning.  Niall told them that I would be staying with him for a week on tour.  They weren't happy with the situation and felt that my presence would stir up too much unwanted attention.  They also questioned my motivate for wanting to spend the week with Niall but he made it clear to that he was the one who extended the invite.  After a hour of back and forth they reluctantly agreed.  Management did tell us both that if our relationship continues and becomes more than friends we will need to sit down and have a conversation about protecting Niall and the band.  I get it, they just want to make sure I don't share information about the boys to the media.  On the flip side they could care less about my personal information that is being shared with the world. They don't know who was sharing information to the press but they told us to be careful because the rumors are just going to get worse.  They also warned me that my information was going to be out there for everyone to see.  I figured at this point there is no stopping it.  The world already knows my name, I am sure they will still try to find out more about me whether I am on tour with the boys for a week or not.

When Niall told the boys that I was coming with them for a few days on tour, everyone was excited except Harry. I have started to form a friendship with Louis. We have a lot in common and I think being the same age makes us connect a little more than the others.  If I am spending a week with the boys I need to learn how to crack Harry.

Niall fell asleep about 10 minutes into the trip so I decide to move seats and sit across from Harry. I give him a smile as he looks up at me. He doesn't look very impressed that I am sitting across from him.I figure I will just jump right into the problem.

"Have I done something to you?"

He looks up at me a bit confused, "What are you talking about?"

I tell him, "You just don't seem to care for me?"

He turns his head a little and looks me up and down with an attitude.

"I am protective of my friends. I don't know you or your intentions."

"What my intentions are?" my voice raised a little. I bring the volume down to a whisper. "I think my intentions are pretty clear. I want to be friends with Niall."

He leans forward and say, "See I think that is the problem. He likes you more than just a friend and I have seen you around him.  You don't act like you are just friends."

He ends the conversation by putting his headphones on and starts looking over some paper work.  I look out the window and really think where this is going to end. My intention is to get to know him and become good friends. I start to think about last night.  We spent it sleeping in the same bed and nothing came from it except kissing and cuddling together. He has really helped to distract my mind from my problems at home. However there is more somewhere deep down.  I have felt it since the night I went to their concert. Niall looked so vulnerable that night. He looked like he needed something from me. That night when we laid down to sleep he took a deep sigh and I felt him let everything go, he then held me tight. I feel like we are filling  voids for each other. It has to get lonely being on the road; being away from home. When I laid there with him it felt right. I fit so perfectly into his arms like I was meant to be there all along. That has to mean something.

There is some turbulence and it shakes me out of my day dream. I go to move back to my seat next to Niall but before I do I tap on Harry's knee.  He takes one of his earbuds out.

"I won't hurt your friend. I promise."

He smiles at me and nods. I return to my seat and rest my head on Niall's shoulder and close my eyes.

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