Chapter 5: Girl (by The Beatles)

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Niall's POV

As soon I arrive at the hotel in New York, I knock on Harry's door.   When he  opens the door; Liam, Louis, and Zayn are all sitting around the table eating pizza.  This is a common occurrence when we stay at hotels.  We like to hangout in each other's room, order tons of food, and play video games. 

"Hey! I hope you saved me some pizza." 

They know how much I love to eat and pizza is my second favorite.  I am starving. I have not ate since lunch.

Louis replies, "Don't worry little Nialler I saved you a whole pizza!"  I walk over to grab the pizza box that he is holding for me and I grab the box and sit on the couch.  They got my favorite, meat lovers!

Harry comes to sit next me and grabs a piece of pizza out of my box. "How was Philadelphia and the John Mayer concert?"  As I smack his hand away from my box I say, "John was amazing.  The new album is incredible...And...I met a girl."

Louis eyes light up with my mention of a girl. "Oh a girl you say?  Is she a fan?"

 "I don't know if she is.  We didn't talk about the band.  She's is friends with John.  She actually is the one who introduced me to him.  I was so nervous.  You all know how much I look up to him.  I was trying to work up the courage to say hi and she came over to make fun of how nervous I looked."

Harry says, "Only we can pick on you, she can't do that."

I ignore Harry's comment.  They are all so over protective of me.  They treat me like the little brother in the family. 

"We had lunch today and walked around the city a little but think I messed things up with her.  I went to kiss her and she pulled away."

In a playful tone Liam says, "oh man, she put you in the friend zone?  A fan of One Direction would never do that to one of us. I mean look at us; we are so irresistible."

Zayn chimes  in.  "Or maybe she just isn't a fan of Niall. Maybe she is a Zayn girl."

"Ok, let's all lay off of him.  We all know it is me she is after," Louis says laughing.

All the boys laugh and tell me not to think too much about it.  I try to put the days event at the back of my mind but I don't think I will be able to keep them there for long.  The rest of the night we sit around and talk about how excited we are for the sold out concert tomorrow night at MSG.  It will be our first time playing there.  It has always been our dream to play there the moment we formed the band back on X Factor.

After a bit I head back to my room.  I am lying in bed and all I can think about is Olivia and the two seconds that my lips touched hers.  She is such a cool girl and if she isn't interested in something romantic, I hope we can be friends.  She was a great escape from my everyday life and I have a feeling that I was the same for her.

Before I go to sleep I decide to tweet the picture that Olivia took of me with the Rocky statue.  In the tweet I write, 'Thanks for the great day!'

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