Chapter 6: Call Me Back (by Eric Hutchinson)

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It's been two days since I hung out with Niall.My mind is still whirling around in circles.I was surprised when he sent out the tweet thanking me for a great day. He clearly enjoyed the day but I have not heard from him since. I contemplated texting him a few times but I didn't want to send mixed messages. I made it clear that I didn't want more when he kissed me. I still can't believe that I spent the day with him. I tried not to let on that I was a fan. I didn't want to scare him away. I was not into them for their looks or the fame. Don't get me wrong they are all gorgeous and perfect but it was about the music for me.

The only reason I left Riley's apartment over the last six months was to attend my classes.  When the day was over I would head home to hide under my blankets in bed. Their music brought me out of a dark place when all I could think about was ending my pain.I felt like every song was written just for me.  The more I listened to the music it lifted me out of the dark hole I was stuck in.  My broken heart began to heal. My iPod became my best friend that would never leave my side.  It walked with me to class, kept me company while I showered and laid next to me on my pillow at night as tears stained my pillow case.

Instead of sitting around the apartment and waiting for Niall to contact me, I decide to head out and take a walk to my favorite park, Rittenhouse Square, just a few blocks away.  People watching always helps me get out of my own mind.  That is why I liked anthropology so much. I was curious about people; who they where and why they did the things they do. I also just liked to make up stories about the people that would pass by me in the park. 

It is a beautiful summer day. The sun is shining and the park is packed. There are families having picnics in the grass, groups of girls chatting while sun tanning, couples holding hands while walking like there is not a care in the world. I sit down on my usual bench in the middle of the park next to the fountain.  The tiny water droplets coming off of the fountain feel refreshing on this hot 90 degree humid summer day.  There is a tree above me that lets the perfect amount of sun shine through the branches. I push play on my iPod, this time listening to John Mayer. I close my eyes and lean my head back.

After five minutes of relaxation, I feel someone standing in front of me.  I slowly open my eyes and see him. I feel like I just seen a ghost.

It has been six months since I have seen him.  What is Vinnie doing here? I close my eyes and open them again to make sure I am not dreaming. I slowly let the light back in and there he is standing in all his glory, tall, messy dark hair, brown eyes and 27 tattoos. He doesn't even know how gorgeous he is. Fuck, I am not ready for this.

Vinnie smiles down at me and asks, "Hi!  How have you been?"

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Vinnie smiles down at me and asks, "Hi! How have you been?"

I answer immediately, "Good." I am trying to keep my response short. I don't ask how he has been because I really don't care to know. He looks at me waiting for me to say more but I give him nothing.

"Have you finished your classes for the year?" he asks clearly not giving up on this conversation. I wish he would walk away. He is ruining my day.

"Yup." I say followed with a brief silence before I ask, "Vinnie we really don't need to do this."

"Do what?" he asks.

"This."  I say motioning between us. "The small talk. I think we said all we needed to months ago."

"Please don't be like that Liv."

My stomach cringes when I hear the name Liv come out of his mouth.  Liv was a nickname that he has called me since high school and now it makes me want to vomit all over this black Dr. Martens.

"Vinnie please. I don't ..." He cuts me off by saying, "We have known each other for years. You weren't just my girlfriend. You were my best friend. I miss you."

I think my mind is about to explode. I can't believe that he is trying to play the friend card. I tell him, "Pissed off.  You lost my friendship when you decided to end our relationship."

"Liv, I didn't want to end it and you know that. I just didn't want to get married and..."

This time I cut him off, as I get up to walk away. "Vinne, I need to go. I have to go meet someone. Next time you see me please don't feel the need to stop and make small talk."

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