Chapter 13: Strange Love (by Halsey)

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Hello!  On 7/28/17 I edited this chapter and made a few changes in the conversation between Niall and Olivia. I changed Olivia's views about the paparazzi and it affects her conversation with Niall.   The conversation does change the events that led her to Chicago. This does not affect any other parts of the story except Chapter 14. 


The call with my mom went better than I thought. I just had to sell her on the idea that the move to England was for educational purposes. I mean I wasn't lying. I will be looking into research positions after I settle in.  I feel a weight lift off my shoulders now that I have my living situation figured out.  Moving to England is going to be amazing but I am going to miss my family

Even though my life was tough when I was little, my mother and I really have a special bond.  We make sure to talk to each other a few times a week.  Once I moved away for school I was able to take myself out of life at home.  It allowed me to appreciate my parents a little more. I don't have to deal with my mother's daily drinking and my relationship with my father is a lot closer. I guess it is true when they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. It doesn't just apply to romantic relationships.

My text notification was going crazy the whole time I was on the phone with my mom. Once I am off the phone I take a look and find that I have messages from Riley, Vinnie, John, and Niall. I am a little confused by the weird mix of people that are texting me.  I quickly look over the messages deciding to read Niall's first.

Niall: Hey! Call me when you can.

Call him? Not many people have actual conversations on the phone anymore. I wonder what he needs to talk about.

John: O, do you have something to tell me?

I wonder what John could actually be concerned about. He is usually not the type to message me just to have a chat.

When I saw Vinnie's name I felt a  heavy thud in my stomach. Just seeing his name makes my stomach turn.

Vinnie: What the fuck are you doing Liv?  You are acting so out of character.

Well fuck you too asshole. I shake my head to myself. I can't believe he has the nerve to text me.   I thought I made myself clear that I don't want to talk to him anymore.

I move on from Vinnie's text and read Riley's.

Riley: Click on this link.

I immediately click the link and it takes me to TMZ's website.

Is Niall Horan Off the Market?

Sorry ladies it looks like One Direction's Niall Horan is off the market. He was seen outside his hotel in LA holding hands with a cute redhead. No one seems to know who his new girl is but once we find out we'll let all the Directioners know.

There are several photos of us getting out of the car at the hotel and him holding my hand.

I know everyone is waiting for him to speak my name. They all think he walks like god and they will never believe I made him weak. They want to know who I am. I don't have to tell them anything but that doesn't mean they won't try to dig deep for my secrets.*

I text Niall hoping for some comfort with this whole situation. This is new territory for me.  I have a famous friend who I am being linked to romantically, when in fact nothing is happening between us. It actually makes my blood boil. So much for a private life, I guess.

OLIVIA: Can you believe this?

NIALL: I guess you seen the photos? I was trying to reach you before you saw them.

OLIVIA: Riley sent me the link. This is crazy. They even have pictures of us.

NIALL: Are you ok?

OLIVIA: No. Not really. I don't really like having my private life thrown out in the world.

NIALL: I'm sorry. I really am. It's part of my life. The fans and paps want to know my every move and everyone's who is connected to me.

I never thought of myself as being connected to Niall. We are friends and in my opinion that should not draw this much attention. I think I could understand if we were actually dating.

OLIVIA: It's weird and a very intrusive. I don't know how you handle this on a daily basis.

NIALL: I am really sorry. I didn't want this to happen to you.

OLIVIA: I know that you didn't but it did. We can't take it back now.

I know that I was naive to think I wouldn't be affected by the media. I have really worked hard to put my past behind me. I don't want some nosey reporter trying to dig up old dirt on me because I am friends with Niall.

NIALL: Please don't let this affect our friendship.

OLIVIA: It is all a lot to take in. I can't give you any promises. Let's catch up later.

NIALL: Sounds good. Olivia, please don't hate me.

Once I am done texting with Niall I decide to not respond to anyone else right now. It is none of Vinnie's business, John just wants the gossip, and I will talk to Riley when she gets home. Niall seemed worried about how I would react. This is all so bizarre. My current life is not very exciting so hopefully people won't find out who I am. But I know how crazy the 1D fans can get when one of the boys start dating a new girl. They can love you or hate you.

I scroll to the end of the article and read a few comments. Some are nice but most of them are mean. I put my phone down in disgust and decide not to look at it for the rest of the day. I can see this is going to get out of control.

When Riley comes home for lunch she walks in with a huge smile on her face. I can tell she is excited to hear what I think about the article.

"So? You're famous now?" she asks as she sits next to me on the couch.

"Please don't make this a big deal. I told you we're just friends."

She raises her eyebrow and asks, "Friends holding hands? Or Friends with benefits?" She winks at me and I throw a pillow at her head to get her to stop. "But for real, all joking aside. This is kinda crazy. I am worried about you."

"I know. You should see what people are writing. I had to put down the phone."

I give her the quick recap of how mean the comments are.

"I hope this doesn't change things for me and Niall. I like being with him and having fun. It is just a lot of attention so soon."

She puts her arms around me and holds me for a minute. "I can't imagine what this would feel like. Being thrown into his world."

I was hoping I would to be able to carry on our friendship when I moved to London but now I am not so sure. Thinking about London reminds me that I need to tell Riley about moving.

I take a deep breath before I tell her.  "I have decided where I am going to live for the next year." I stop and look at her. It hurts to even think about leaving her. "I am going to London."

"You are? I was kind of hoping you would have stayed here but I understand. You need a break from this life and it is a great opportunity for you."

I pull her in for a hug. "Oh Riles. I am sorry. I am going to miss you and I am so thankful to have you in my life. You saved my life and you know how much that means to me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

"I know. You will always have a place to stay when you need it." She stops to collect her thoughts. "And O, let's not talk about what happened that night. It is a bit of an emotional thing for me to recall what happened."

"Ok, deal.  I won't bring it up ever again.  I plan on leaving in about two weeks. I just have a few loose ends to tie up before I go."

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