Chapter 10: Falling for You (by Weezer)

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Niall texted me last night and said to be ready to go at 5am. It was the only way we could sneak out without being noticed. Most of the fans think the boys left for Chicago already so it shouldn't be too difficult to get out of the hotel. At 5am, I head down to his room and knock on the door. When he answers the door he looks like he just got out of bed.

"Come in. I will be ready in a minute."

I look around his room. I wonder how many girls would pay to see what Niall Horan's hotel room looks like. His bed is a mess, his clothes are folded nicely on top of a chair, and his guitar is lying on the couch. I wonder how many girls he has used that guitar on in his hotel rooms to woo them. He comes out of the bathroom and puts on a black baseball hat. I love the way the ends of his blonde hair stick out of the hat. I am guessing he is using it to keep a low profile. I may have to tell him to wear baseball hats more often because he is killing this look.

He asks, "Ready?"

"Yup let's go.  But where are we going?" I ask.

"Sorry can't tell you. You'll just have to wait and see."

I never have been to LA before so this is exciting for me.On the drive to our secret destination we grabbed some coffee and muffins. When the car stops I look out the window and see the ocean.  We grab our food, head to the beach and sit in the sand facing south. While we sit in silence the sun comes up over the horizon. It is so beautiful to see the sun reflecting off the water making it a color blue that I have only seen in Niall's eyes.

After about 10 minutes I turn to Niall and ask for the tenth time, "What do you have planned for the day?"

He replies, "We are going take a Segway tour around Santa Monica."

"I am not very coordinated." I say shaking my head.

"Don't worry. It is not as difficult as it looks. I do it all the time around the stadiums."

Laughing I say, "I don't know if I should trust you on this one."

We get on the Segways and Niall gives me a tutorial on how to ride it. I fall off twice but then I am good to go. I am so scared to do this. I don't want to make a fool of myself. I wish I didn't care about how I look. When I am out of my element self doubt is the first thing that pops into my head. The last time I tried something out of my comfort zone was when I went skiing with Vinnie.

Vinnie had skied every winter since he was a kid. I have never skied before and he was insistent that he teach me. On the way up the lift, I was so scared that I began to shake. When it was our turn to get off the lift I went to stand and fell backwards as the seat moved from behind me. They had to stop the lift and help me up. I have never been more humiliated in my life. Thank god that the slope was for beginners because I took off my skies and walked down the hill. I never gave it another try. I prayed that this will not turn out to be the same situation.

Niall and I head down the path next to the beach. I let him lead the way which I don't know if it is a good idea because I almost run into him a few times. After a bit of riding the Segway, Niall decides we should have a race. I agree only if I can have a 30 second head start. He agrees to my request. I start off going a little slow and glance behind me and see Niall. He lied. He only gave me a 10 second start so I begin to speed up. Now that I know he is a cheater, I am determined to not let him beat me. He is gaining on me so I decided to block all of his attempts to pass me. He was right that I would catch on to this Segway thing. I must say that I am doing pretty good and then out of nowhere Niall bumps into the back of my legs while he is trying to pass me. I start to lose control and next thing I know we are both on the ground and I am laying on top of him.

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