Chapter 17: Taken (by One Direction)

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When I open my eyes it is still dark in the room. Niall is asleep on my shoulder with his hand laying across my chest. I start to remember the conversation we had before we fell asleep. I can't believe I agreed to stay with him for the next week.

Across the room I hear my text message alert go off. I slide out of the bed ever so carefully so I don't wake Niall. Once I make it across the room I look at my phone to see it is 5am. I start to wonder who would text me so early then I realize the time difference. Back in Philly it's 8 am and everyone is up starting their day. I open my text message to see that it's Vinnie again. I take my phone into the bathroom and read his message.

VINNIE: Liv, Why won't you talk to me? I know what you are doing. You can't hide it.

I sit on the bathroom floor trying to figure out what he is talking about.  I don't owe him any explanation.  He is not part of my life anymore but I am intrigued with what he is talking about so I message him back.

OLIVIA: What do you mean?

VINNIE: I know you are in Chicago with your boy band boyfriend.

How does he know where I am?  Only Riley knows that I am here and no one on tour would know me enough to reach out to Vinnie.

OLIVIA: He is not my boyfriend and how do you know where I am?

VINNIE: It is all over the gossip sites that you were at the One Direction concert last night. There are pictures of some guy named Niall singing to you.

I can't believe there is another article already.

OLIVIA: Vinnie it is really none of your business where I am and who I am with.

VINNIE: I think it is. Especially when you left me because you didn't want to date a musician and now you are dating some member of a boy band that is much more famous than me.

OLIVIA Vinnie, I am not dating Niall.  I am just spending sometime with a friend.

It's five minutes before the next text comes through.

VINNIE I love you Liv. I want us back.

I feel a thud in my stomach.  There it is.  The words I was dreading to hear.  He still loves me. He loves me.  He loves me? The words keep running through my head. 

Before I have a chance to answer him or even properly process what he just told me, there is a knock at the bathroom door.

"Are you alright?"

Shit.  It's Niall.  I have one on the phone and the other knocking at the door. 

I tell him, "I am good.  I am  just looking for something to take for a headache."

I frantically start to look around the bathroom for something to take.  Niall opens the door and comes in the bathroom. He looks through his toiletry bag and pulls out a bottle of pain reliever. If I didn't have a headache before Vinnie messaged me, I sure do have one now. My mind is swirling with the thought of Vinnie still being in love with me.  It's a lot to take in.

Niall tells me, "We have a few more hours to sleep.  Let's go back to bed."

He pulls me back to bed, we lay down, and he is fast asleep laying next to me within a minute. I can't seem to fall asleep. All I can think about is my love life.  I am here with Niall having so much fun. I have made it clear that I don't know if I can give much more than a friendship and maybe with some benefits thrown in.  I am not with Vinnie and I shouldn't feel bad about what I am doing with Niall.  Vinnie is just trying to pull me back in because he sees someone else having an interest in me.  I knew running into him at the park was going to cause trouble in my life.  He wants what he can't have.  Who does he think he is?

Before I try to go back to sleep I go to the gossip site to find the pictures that Vinnie was talking about. I find an article...

                                                    Niall spotted singing to mystery girl in Chicago.

Who is Niall's new  female friend?  A source close to the band gives us some dirt on the situation. The 22 year old's name is Olivia and she is from Philadelphia, PA.  Niall tweeted a picture on July 3rd saying he was in Philadelphia, I bet that is when he met Olivia.  Since then they have been spotted together in  LA and Chicago.

  Since then they have been spotted together in  LA and Chicago

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OMG.  There it is.  My name and where I am from.  I guess it is out there for all to see but there is one problem, I am not Niall's girlfriend.  I know no one will believe we are just friends because we are spending so much time with each other but it is the true.

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