Chapter 15 Stole My Heart (by One Direction)

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The car ride to the arena is pretty silent. When we arrive the car heads to the private entrance around back. At least I know I will be safe from the paps while I am back stage. We head down the hall and I hear several different voices laughing and talking. I am so nervous.  This is a moment that I thought would never happen.  I start to fan girl a little on the inside.

Niall grabs my hand and asks, "Ready?"

I turn to him but before I can ask what I should be ready for, we enter the dressing room. It has two grey couches lining the walls and a TV for the boys' video games.  I see Harry and Liam sitting off to the side of the room talking and Louis and Zayn are playing a soccer game on the TV.  As we enter the room they all stop what they are doing and look up at us. I let go of Niall's hand not wanting to give the boys the wrong impression. We are just friends. Right? Yea, friends.

Niall seems so proud as he introduces me to each of the boys. They all seem nice. I also get the feeling that Niall has been filling them in about our time together; my presence doesn't seem to surprise them.  It is as if they have been waiting days to meet the girl that Niall has been talking about nonstop. 

Louis asks, "Is this the big surprise you had for us?"

"Thought it was about time everyone met Olivia."

About time?  We just met a few days ago.  I understand that they may have been intrigued by the girl that Niall flew to L.A. but never in a million years would I have thought they were waiting to meet me.

From across the room Harry says, "It's nice to meet you but if you brought some friends along that would have been nicer."

He has such a cocky smile on his face. Going off of first impressions, he is not what I was excepting.

I quickly reply, "Sorry they all went to The Wanted concert." The boys seem taken back by my quick witted response.

Zayn says under his breath, "Burn." Then a little louder he says, "I like her Niall."

The room is suddenly silent. I think the comment about The Wanted may have been a bit too personal with their recent twitter feud.

Breaking the silence, Louis stands up and says, "Zayn and I are going to skate around the stadium for a bit.  We will be back in a few." He reaches his hand out to me.  "It is nice to meet you.  I am sure we will catch up later."

My whole body perks up with the mention of skate boarding. 

"It is nice to meet you too.  Do you happen to have an extra board?"

Zayn looks surprised when I asked for a board.  "You skate?"

With a smug look on my face I say, "If you have a board I will show you what I can do."

They wave their hands at me to follow along. I look over to Niall to see if it's cool to go ahead. He nods his head for me to go along. We walk down the hall to a room full of sports equipment and table top games. They each grab their boards and hand me a random one. It doesn't look too bad. The deck is a little worn but it looks like the wheels have just been replaced.

 "Who's board is this?" I ask while looking over it.

Zayn says, "It was Niall's but he hasn't used it since his knee surgery."

I have not rode my board in the past six months.  I left it at my old apartment and I refused to go back and get it. It feels amazing to skate through the stadium, down on the floor, up ramps, and back stage. I feel like I fit right in with these two boys. They don't overwhelm me like Niall does. I don't get nervous around them and I feel like I am just one of the boys skating around. This is the Olivia I know. Not the one who is shy and can't look a boy in the eyes. When we head back to the lounge I find Niall sitting on the couch playing his guitar.

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