Chapter 11: The Broad-Shouldered Beasts (by Mumford & Sons)

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On the car ride back to the hotel, I tell Niall my plane is leaving at 7pm. I don't want this day to end but I need to get back to my world and figure out life. I have to decide on a topic for my anthropology thesis. I need to decide if I am going to stay with Riley for the next year, go home and live with my parents, or take off and head to England to stay with my friend Flora.  Don't think that fact that Niall lives in London has not crossed my mind.  I don't know what is happening between us but I am enjoying our time together and it would be nice to have another friend there.

When we return to the hotel there is a crowd of fans at the entrance. I begin to fidget with my fingers. This many people is overwhelming. I have been around a few famous artist but their fans were never as dedicated as One Direction's.  What a way to end our time together in LA.  It was a nice day that was some how kept private and now we are surrounded by a bunch of fans who will want to know who I am.

Niall turns to me and asks, "Are you ok?"

I quietly say, "No. This is a big crowd.  I am not prepared for this."

He looks at me and says, "I know this has to be overwhelming for you but I am right here for you."

Niall calls up for Basil and some other security to come help us get into the hotel. Once they arrive Niall opens the door of the car and all of the fans begin to scream. Once Niall exits the car the paps began to take pictures with all of the flashes going off at once. It's my turn to get out and I am like a deer caught in headlights. I stand up to get out of the car and I can't walk. It is feels like I am frozen in time.  I feel a hand reach out for me and look up. Niall grabs my hand and pulls me next to him.

He squeezes my hand and says, "I will protect you. I won't let anything bad ever happen to you."

His words catch me off guard. For the past six months him and his band mates have been my protectors from the world and now it is happening in real life. Niall Horan is my actual real life protector.  He pulls me into his body and puts his arm around me.

"Just stay close and keep you head down."

Once we get inside the lobby I am able to catch my breath.  I am thankful that Niall and security got me inside safely but I was scared shitless the entire time. When we get to Niall's room I sit on the couch under the window.  I am still a shaken up.   He comes and sits next to me.

"I am sorry about all the excitement. It can be a bit much if you haven't experienced it before. I live it every day and I still can't get use to it."

"I was caught off guard. We had a quiet afternoon at Santa Monica. It was like we were the only two people out there."

He looks at me concerned, "I am sorry Olivia. I hope it doesn't change your mind about spending time with me."

At that very moment there is a knock at the door. Niall walks over to open the door. There is a woman who is tells him that management wants to go over the plans for Chicago. He tells her he will be down in a few minutes.

"Olivia I have to go. I don't think I will be back before your plane leaves. Please call me when you get home so I know you arrived safely.  I had a great few days with you and would like to see you again."

"Thank you for inviting me out here for a break from my problems. You really helped to distract me."

He walks over to me, gives me a hug and whispers in my ear, "Please remember how amazing you are." Then he kissed me gently on the lips.

Just before he walks out the door he turns to me and says, "Call me."

I quickly respond, "I will."


"Yes, I promise."


Thank you for the all the votes and follows.  I appreciate it greatly.  I still can't believe SLO has reached 1K reads.  Please keep the comments coming and the votes.


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