Chapter 8: Second Guess (by YOU + ME)

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When I get home, I find Riley on the couch watching our favorite movie, Bring it On.  I sit down next to her as tears begin to well up in my eyes.  She looks over at me and pauses the movie.  She has seen me like this way too many times over the last six months.  She knows the drill and walks over to the kitchen, grabs two wine glasses, and fills them up with wine from a box that we keep in the fridge.  Box wine is about all we can afford since we are both students at the university.  Plus it doesn't taste as bad as it sounds.

She comes back into the living room and hands me a glass asking, "What happened?  You were so happy when I talked to you earlier." 

The name "Vinnie" is the only word I can get out in between cries.

"Vinnie what?  What did Vinnie do?"  She really dislikes Vinnie.  She only met him a hand full of times but after listening to all of my stories she has become protective of me.

"I ran into him at the park.  He tried to talk to me but I blew him off."

Riley looks at me with the saddest eyes and says, "Oh no.  I'm sorry Olivia.  I know how good you have been doing lately.  Between seeing John at the show the other night and having lunch with Niall I thought Vinnie was going to be left in the dust."

"I know.  It's like when I start feeling good and life starts to get enjoyable, Vinnie comes running back into my life to ruin it."

Riley moves closer to give me a hug.  She lets me rest my head on her shoulder and presses play on the DVD player.  She always knows when I don't want to talk and will just sit with me until I fall asleep.

When I wake up I notice I am still on the couch with a blanket covering me up.  I look at my phone and its 2 a.m.  I notice that I have a text message and see its from Niall.

Niall:  Hi!  How have you been?

I manage a smile even after the shitty day I just had.  He sent the message about an hour ago.  I wonder if he is still awake and take my chances.

Olivia: Hey 

I keep the message simple and within seconds my phone dings.

Niall:  Did I wake you?

As I type my response, I cuddle into my blanket and reply to your message all excited like a little kid.

Olivia:  No.  I fell asleep on the couch and just woke up. 

Niall:  I had a concert tonight and I am too hyped up to sleep.  The boys all went out.

Olivia:  How was the concert?

Niall:  Amazing as always. 

Olivia:  Cool.

Niall:  I was thinking about you and the other day. 

Olivia:  Oh really?  All good things I hope.  :)

Niall: I had a really good time.  I was worried that the kiss ended things a little weird.

Olivia:  No worries.  I know I am irresistible.  lol

Niall:  Yes.  That is exactly what it was. lol

Olivia:  Thanks for the laugh.  I am so glad you get my humor.  I was having such a bad day.

Niall:  What's wrong?  Can I do anything for you?

Olivia: Not unless you have a spaceship that can take me far away.

Niall:  I don't have a spaceship but I do have a plane.

Olivia:  I was just joking.

Niall:  We are in LA doing promo for our movie.  I can send the plane to pick you up and you can escape to LA.

Olivia:  I can't. 

Niall: Why?

Olivia: Its just too much.  I can't have you doing that for me.  We barely even know each other.

Niall:  Stop.  I really enjoyed our day together.  Let me repay you.

Olivia: How does one day in Philadelphia equal a trip to LA?

Niall:  Look I am sending a car to pick you up tomorrow and take you to the airport.  If you decide to come I will see you in LA.  If not I will not be offended.  I am just trying to do something for a friend who seems like she needs some cheering up.

Olivia:  I'll think about it.  Good night!

Niall:  Good night Olivia.

Once we are done chatting, I smile and get excited.  I can't even believe I am considering on taking you up on your offer.  I have never done something like this before and it was terrifying. 

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