Chapter 4: Alive (by One Direction)

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It is early afternoon when Niall sends me a text about meeting up for lunch. I tell him to meet me at a little cafe in the Fairmount area of the city. Fairmount is also known as the Art Museum Area because there is four museums in this small area. If lunch goes well I have a great plan up my sleeve. Knowing a little bit about Niall and his outgoing careful spirit, I know he will love it.

I arrive early and ask for a quiet table close to the back. The lighting in the back of the room is dim due to the lack of windows; I figure it is a good place to hide from the other customers. To kill time I read some emails on my phone. A few minutes later Niall approaches the table with a huge smile on his face. He looks so cute today with a black baseball hat, plain white tee shirt, black skinny jeans with the signature tears over the knees, and a pair of sunglasses. He greets me with a kiss on my cheek causing me to blush.

"Hi. Did you find the place ok?"

"Yeah, It's a nice little area over here."

"Are you heading out on a spy mission later?" He looks at me confused. I gesture to his outfit. "I barely recognized you."

"Oh. I am trying to go unnoticed. I didn't want to bring my security with me. So I guess, mission accomplished."

He sits down at the table across from me and we quietly look over the menus before ordering a couple of sandwiches and iced tea.

Over lunch he tells me that he was only in Philly for the John Mayer concert last night and some promo work he did this morning. He is leaving later tonight to meet up with the rest of the boys who are already in NYC. He asks me if I live here in Philadelphia and I tell him about my master/PHD program in anthropology. He seems so interested in my schooling. I offered to show him around my school sometime but tell him I have another plan up my sleeve this afternoon.

  I offered to show him around my school sometime but tell him I have another plan up my sleeve this afternoon

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He asks me about a hundred times during the ten minute walk, "Where were we going?"

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He asks me about a hundred times during the ten minute walk, "Where were we going?"

"Be patient. You will love it."

"It is beautiful down here by the river. I had no idea that this part of Philadelphia existed. It is like a different world. We come in for shows and leave immediately. I never get to go out and explore.

Fairmount is full of green parks and an amazing tree lined streets that runs next to the Schuykill River. It is one of my favorite places. I can be found at the art museum on Saturday mornings wandering around alone with my thoughts.

As we approach the world famous steps outside the Philadelphia Art Museum his face lights up. Without hesitation he grabs my hand and we run up the steps to the Art Museum just like Rocky Balboa. Once we reach the top he jumps as high as he can with both hands in the air. I can't help but laugh at him while I try to catch my breath. His happiness and excitement is contagious. I have not felt this ALIVE in months.

He asks me to take a picture of him with the Rocky statue and we quickly grab a cab back to his hotel before anyone spots him. When we arrive outside his hotel he invites me back to his room. I hesitate at first but figure a few minutes can't hurt. When we get to his room I sit on the edge of the bed while he packs.

"I had an amazing day with you. I wish I didn't have to leave so soon." The smile that was once spread across his face is now replaced with a frown.

"I am glad I could show you one of my favorite spots in the city. It is much quieter in that part of the city. Hanging out with you today has been surreal. I have had a rough few months and today made me forget my problems and enjoy the moment."

The smile returns to his face. "I am glad I could help you forget your troubles even if it was for one afternoon."

He leans in to kiss me and his lips touch mine just I as I pull away. The kiss catches me off guard. I honestly didn't see us as anything other than friends but when his lips touched mine for that brief second I felt something more.

He immediately apologizes, "I am sorry. I thought..." I cut him off saying, "I just got out of a long term relationship and I am not ready for anything like that."

The awkward moment is interrupted with a text telling him the car is here. He offers to drive me home but I politely decline. I enjoy walking around the city in the evening. It has a different feeling at night than during the day, its more relaxed. The work day is over and everyone is settling in at home. We say our goodbyes and hug each other. As he gets into the car and shuts the door I turn around, place my headphones in my ears and choose the Take Me Home album as I walk home.

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