Chapter 19: Perfect (by One Direction)

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We landed in Houston earlier today and it has been pretty uneventful so far. Niall and I are hanging out with Louis, Liam is waiting for his girlfriend Sophia to get into town, and Harry and Zayn both went to take naps in their rooms.

Niall and Louis are being out of control. It has been nonstop laughter since Louis came to the room. They have been making up different lyrics to go with their songs for the show tomorrow. I have also received my own personal dance recital where most of the dancing was just a bunch of ass shaking and hip thrusting. They don't have very many moves. I honestly have no idea how the band can get anything accomplished with the two of them hanging around each other.

After a while Louis decides he wants to go cause some chaos in the hotel. The three of us put on hoodies and run out of the room knocking on all the doors on our floor. We get yelled at by Zayn for waking him up and Harry whines at us for being too loud in the hall. Next, we decide to head down to the basement and run through the back halls to see what trouble we can get into. We find a room service cart and Niall jumps on the top of it while Louis pushes him through the halls laughing and making so much noise. I can't keep up with the two of them they have too much energy. I decide to heading back to the room and tell them I will catch up with them later. As I get back to our floor where everyone is staying, I hear someone come over Basil's walkie saying that the hotel owner is pissed because two of the boys are running around causing havoc in the lobby. Next thing I know, the whole security team is running down the stairs to get Niall and Louis. I am so happy I left them when I did. I don't want to draw any unwanted attention to myself because management was not happy with me tagging along and sharing a room with Niall in the first place. This would set them off the rails.

When I am about to open the door to our room, Liam comes out of his room with Sophia. I have never seen her before. She is beautiful with her long dark brown hair, green eyes, and full lips. Liam sees me and smiles as he brings her over to meet me.

"Hey, Olivia, this is my girlfriend Sophia."

She is even prettier up close.

"Hey Sophia. How was your flight from London?"

She smiles and says, "It was long. I am just happy to be here now."

Liam pulls her into him and hugs her. They are so cute together. They just started dating a few weeks ago and this is her first time coming on tour with him. You can tell he is so in love by the way he looks into her eyes.

Liam asks, "Where is Niall?"

I roll my eyes. "Him and Louis are off causing some trouble. I had to leave them because they got too crazy for me."

He laughs and says, "Good call on bailing. Do you think that you and Niall would like to join us for dinner tonight?"

"I'm game but I will check with him. I think him and Louis will need a time out from each other because security just went to the lobby to get them."

"They are always causing some kind of problem." he says shaking his head.

I tell them I will let them know about dinner in a little bit and head into the room. I lay down on the bed and within five minutes Niall comes running in and jumps on top of the bed falling on me.

"Niall!" I yell. "Where are you getting all of this energy today?"

He rolls off of me and lies next to me. "I am excited to have you with me. I never have a 'friend' on tour." he says while air quoting friend.

The air quotes are not lost on me. He is making fun of me for constantly reminding him we are just friends. I'm sure it can get lonely going from city to city and not being able to leave the hotel. And I am sure it sucks even more when the other boys' girlfriends join along on the tour. You get reminded of what you don't have.

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