Chapter 2: Dirty Little Secret (by All American Rejects)

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John's concert tonight was amazing. I love it when he comes to Philly. I am still a little pissed that he didn't mention the concert the last time we talked. I decide to head backstage to surprise him. I do get some perks from dating my ex for so long; one of them being that I made a few friends in the music world.  John was one of the last that I kept by my side.

While I was standing back stage waiting to talk to John, I looked across the room at a cute blonde.  He was standing alone nervously biting his nails. After looking at him for a few minutes I realize it's Niall Horan from One Direction. I am not into the whole boy band craze but when I broke up with Ben I heard their song "More Than This" playing on the radio and it really spoke to me. It brought back so many memories of Vinnie. I downloaded their albums and the band became my life after I lost everything. They were my savior; they brought me back to life. They were my dirty little secret. I never told anyone about my love for them. I even went to their concert alone the last time they played in Philadelphia.  It was an amazing show and I felt like every word they sang was directed at me.

I reel in my inner fan girl as I walk across the room and give Niall a smile. Being around the music world has taught me one never pays off to be shy. You may miss out on a great opportunity that can change your life.

Once I am standing in front of him I say, "You look nervous."

He looks up at me caught off guard and says, "If you were about to meet someone who was your favorite artist you would be nervous too."

I laugh to myself and think if he only knew how nervous I was standing in front of him. I mean he is a member of the band that saved my life.

We introduce ourselves to each other and chat a little.  John comes into the room and sees me out of the corner of his eye and starts to walk toward us. Niall starts sweating a little and under his breath I hear him say, "He is coming over here. Oh shit. What do I say?"

John smiles real big and says, "Olivia what are you doing here?" He brings me in for a hug.

"I heard you were in town doing a private show. You know I wasn't going to let you come through my city without buying me a drink."

I see Niall still looking nervous next to me not making eye contact with us while we chat. Maybe I should help him out a little and introduce him to John.

I turn to John.  "This is my new friend. I think he is a little nervous to meet you."

John smiles, "Hey man. I am John Mayer. You're Niall right? From One Direction?"

Niall extends his hand to shake Johns. "Mate it is so nice to meet you. I am a huge fan." He has a huge grin on his face and looks so cute when he smiles, especially now that he his braces off.

I give Niall a little wink and tell John I will catch him at the bar when he wraps up here. Getting a drink at McGlilin's Odle Ale House has become a ritual.

John walks into the bar about an hour later with Niall and a little entourage. He makes this way over to the bar and sits next to me while the others take a seat at a table. We have a couple of drinks and he checks on me to see how I am doing with the break up. We have not seen each other since before Vinnie and I broke up.  I tell him I am doing ok and I am taking a break from the music world.  I have learned my lesson and have sworn off musicians.

  We talk about is album Born and Raised that was released last year.  One of the songs is call, Something Like Olivia. Every time I see or talk to him I love to bust his balls about the fact that he wrote it about me.

I give him a smile and jokingly saying, "You know, even though I am single now your dreams of dating someone like me (Olivia) still isn't going to happen.  You need to find another girl named Olivia."

He smiles and says, "One day." Winking at me he repeats, "One day, just wait and see."

I think to myself, it is never going to happen.  I love him to death but he is such a womanizer.   It does makes me happy though that John appreciated the kind of love that I had for Vinnie and he would love to have the same thing one day.  

We talk about his new album that is going to be released soon, Paradise Valley. The show tonight was a showcase to promote the new album.  It was amazing, with a strong folk and country feeling behind it.  I can't wait for the release. I promise him to come and visit when he goes out on tour.

After an hour or so John leaves the bar.  I am still sitting at the there finishing my beer when Niall walks over and takes a seat next to me.  I take a deep breath to stay calm and not fangirl over the fact that Niall James Horan is sitting next to me.

He says, "Thank you for introducing me to John.  I was so nervous, I couldn't think of anything to say to him."

"No problem.  How about you buy me a drink as a thank you."

"You're a very forward girl." he says with a snicker.

God I love his laugh even when its sarcastic.  He scrunches up his nose and smiles with his mouth open showing his perfectly straighten teeth.  I kind of miss the braces a little.

After a few drinks we chat a bit and Niall asks, "I was wondering is John's song, Someone Like Olivia, about you?" 

I reply, "Kind of but it's a long story, one for another day." 

I think he catches on to the fact that I don't want to talk about it and changes the subject.

"So how do you know John?"

"I met him a few years ago.  We have some mutual friends.  Now I am stuck with John.  I got to keep him after the divorce," I say with smile.

He frowns, looking puzzled, "You little ar young to be divorce."

"It was a joke. It's just something you say when you break up with someone and your friends take sides. John is the last of my famous friend," I say as I look down at my empty glass.

He asks, "Is that is a story another day as well?"

I smile at him and say, "Only if you are lucky."

It's late and I decide I should head home.  I don't think I have been out this late for a long time.

"I am going to head home now.  It was nice meeting you."

He says, "You shouldn't walk home alone at 1am."

I assure him I can handle myself but he insists on walking me home and his bodyguard, Basil, follows us.

We step out onto the street and I inhale the fresh air. I think to myself, God I love this city so much and walking home with Niall has me buzzing.


Thanks for reading.  I love this part of the story.  I actually did get to see John at the private concert he had to promote, Paradise Valley.  It was in Philadelphia at Temple University's Liacouras Center.  It was a smaller venue.  I won tickets from SiriusXM.  It was an amazing night.  I have been to a few John Mayer concerts over the years.  I love his music.  Has anyone else caught any of his show?

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