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Rosalinda's POV

11 years ago (7 years old)

I walked downstairs. Today my mom and dad were going to take me to the park. I walked down the steps to the kitchen but stopped and peeked through the corner as i heard noises. My eyes went wide at the horror scene that was happening in front of me. Mom and dad were beaten and bloody. There were men in suites tying them up.

Dad struggles to get out. My mother glares at the men. I come out a little and my dad see's me. His eyes go wide and mouthed 'nascondere.(hide)' i shake my head. He narrows his eyes at me giving me the 'don't disobey me look.' The bald men got close to dad.
"Nicola. My friend. It's good to see you again." My dad glares at him, "Too bad i can't say the same." The man frowns then smirks, "How long has it been. 10 years? I see you still stayed with Serafina." He goes to the counter and picks up a picture that shows us three. We're smiling. I'm sitting on my mom's lap while she's sitting on dad. The man puts it down, "Beautiful daughter you have. I would love to meet her." My mother growls, "You will not even get a chance to glance at her!" The man goes to my mom and grabs her hair pulling her face up, "Oh but i will. I will make her suffer." Dad violently thrashes in the chair trying to get out. "LET HER GO VALTER! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT COMING INTO MY HOME! DISTURBING MY FAMILY AND DESTROYING OUR PEACEFUL LIFE!"

The man Valter lets mom go and laughs a deadly laugh which sends chills down my spine. I tremble at his voice but not as much as the venom in my fathers. "I swear Valter if you lay one finger on my bambino(baby) i will tear you from limb to limb." My dad growled.

Valter laughs again. He snaps his fingers, "Sebastian. Bring me my favorite equipment. We're going to have so much fun."

I stared wide eyed at the knife. He went to my dad and counted his fingers, "So. Tell me where is she." My father growled, "No." He put the weapon on his finger and slowly cut it off. My father hissed. See one thing about him is that we numb the pain with our minds. He taught me how to numb the pain. How to make my face emotionless and not let anyone break me.

My mother screamed in anger with tears running down her face, "YOU BASTARD!!!! I'M GOING TO F###ING KILL YOU!!!" He goes over to my mother and starts punching her. Dad started struggling trying to get free.

Valter just kept laughing as he kept hitting my mom. I balled my fists. I shook with anger. I ran upstairs and grabbed dad's gun that he kept in the closet where i seen him hiding it.

I went downstairs with the gun in my hands. It was really heavy for my tiny self but i managed. I peeked and i saw my parents on the floor bleeding, beaten black and blue. If it wasn't for their chest slightly rising they would seem to be dead.

I took a step and showed myself. Valter's partner, Sebastian, saw me and told Valter making him quickly turn around and smile that deadly smile.

"Ah. My dear child. You look more beautiful in person." He looked at Sebastian, "Bring her to me."

I looked at them. I raised the gun as Sebastian started walking closer, "Non fare un altro passo. (Don't take another step.)"

Sebastian laughed as i just stared. I must not show weakness. Valter spoke, "Oh. The child speaks italian." He looked at me. Amusement in his eyes.

My blood boiled. I could feel the rage coming from my body as i shook and stepped forward. Valter spoke, "Young child. Do you actually think you scare me? Do you think that you can save them. You are but a mere child. You do not understand. Dear child, If you kill a man you will forever be haunted. You will be a monster."

He grabbed a lighter and in front of me he burned them. My mother and father were being burned alive. I couldn't move. I was frozen as their screams echoed off the wall. My eyes were wide.

I fell to my knees and watched them burn. Valter and Sebastian started laughing. I looked at the floor prying away my eye's from my beloved parents.

My eyes became emotionless. My body was numb. My rage took control. I screamed and pointed the gun at Sebastian and shot him through my blurry eyes. I only got to shoot him in leg because of my blurry eyes that watered from the agony and frustration of not being able to save them.

Sebastian let out a grunt and put his hand over the wound. I was too focused on shooting him that i didn't feel or see Valter come behind me.

He tackled me down and threw the gun from my hand. He took out a knife as he pinned me to the ground, "I shall mark you. You will learn to respect me. I will make you fear me."

I thrashed around trying to get out of his hold but it was too late. He was cutting my skin with the blade. I screamed. The pain was too much. I couldn't numb it out.

He took me by surprise. I wasn't ready. As he kept cutting my skin i watched my parents dying from the torture and the dozen bullets that covered their body. I saw the fingers on my dad's left hand all cut off. I saw my mothers beautiful eyes getting torn out from their sockets. I saw their last glance as their eyes pleaded me to run.

I saw them as they died gruesomely and violently.

My vision became to blur. The pain was taking control. I just wanted to sleep. To wake up hoping that this was all just a terrible and terrifying nightmare.

I saw my parents one last time as black dots started invading my vision. My eyes were closing and i whispered, "Mi dispiace. Ti amo. (I'm sorry. I love you.)"

But before i blacked out i vowed that i will get my revenge. I will make them pay. I will wreak havoc untill one by one Valter crumbles along with his men. Until they are turned to dust.

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