Chapter Twenty Six

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Alessandro's POV

Monsters. They find each other in the dark, ready to devour your life, to destroy your reason to live. They can't seem to find their purpose in this life. Masking themselves as hideous beasts.

Thats what she was. She made me into this monster that i became. I thought; i believed that she was the one for me. My other half that could tame me. She had the strength to tame me, and I let her in. She also had the power to destroy me, now my heart isn't what it used to be.

I sound weak, pathetic, letting this emotion get in my way. My mind can't seem to keep quiet with the thoughts of Rossana. I hate how she makes me feel. Breathing in i put my head back and looked at the cieling in my office.

There's a knock on my door, closing my eyes i answered, "Come in." I hear soft footsteps as they come close, "Mr. Milano?" Her voice was sweet like honey, i wonder how her lips would taste. Would they taste just as sweet as her angelic voice? I cleared my head from those thoughts. Tonight is the dinner and i can't seem to calm my nerves and excitement to see her in her dress.

I made my face emotionless as i stared at her. She cocked her head to the side a little, her eyes held curiosity as if she could see through my mask. "Here is your coffee and the list of the people that you told me to invite." I looked at the list, they were all supposely important people that i need to get acquainted with and make them my allies for the good of the company.

My father said it was better to get close to powerful people that have the power to destroy my company. There's a knock on my door, "Come in." They didn't speak so i looked up but he was staring at Rossana. I furrow my eyebrows and clear my throat so he can stop staring at Rossana. She had her eyebrows furrowed and her body looked tense.

I didnt like the way he was looking at her. I spoke a little louder to get his attention. He turns his head slowly to me and smiled widely, "Hello. My name is Enzo." My body stiffen as i remember the drug deal that i made sure wasn't able to go through. What the hell is he doing here?!

I kept my eyes on him, "Miss. Calvetti." "Yes Mr. Milano?" I took my eyes off him. I needed her to get out and be safe. "You may leave now." She excused herself and Enzo stared after her as she left. His smile was sickening, "Why are you here?" His smile dropped and there was a cold psychotic look in his eyes.

He leaned back, "You ruined my business. I don't take people getting in my way lightly, in fact i just kill them in the spot but since we are in the public eye, although I'd love to see them see you down on your knees. I can't. At least not right now, but thats allright because your my prey. I have found my Rose as well by coming here." He starts giggling and hops to his feet then turns and leaves.

He just threatened me and made my girl uncomfortable! Wait. No. My girl? Ughhhh. I rubbed my temples this psychotic b*stard thinks he can get away with threatening me. He has another thing coming to him. I glare at the door from which he left, wanting to just kill him right then and there but it would leave a mess and polices along with investigations. My gang would be in trouble along with my family and now Rossana.

My phone rings while my mind is thinking of different scenarios that can happen to Rossana if i get involved with her. This is giving me a headache, this is why i can't take this love crap. It messes with your head and then you end up making mistakes which i can't afford to have in this business. I answer the call, glad for some sort of distraction.

My father starts speaking, "Son. Tonight you will have to keep your eyes open, I'm getting a bad feeling i just want you to keep your eyes open and on guard. Never be alone, have someone you trust by your side at all times. Do you understand?"

I sighed deeply in frustration, "Father I'm no longer a child. I can take care of myself but i understand your concern. I'll stay guarded, i know how this goes. I've invited some of our alleys as well in case something does end up happening." He sighed, "Allright son. We'll see you tonight." Hanging up the phone i stand and walk out of my office, locking it i walk over to Rossana's office.

Her hair was down and she was wearing glasses. I knocked on the door and smirked as she jumped in surprise. "Mr. Milano? Do you need anything?" I walked in and sat on the couch, putting my arm over my eyes and sighed.

I heard her chair creek and her soft footsteps. I could feel her eyes on me, opening one eye i watched her face change into different emotions from curiosity to confusion. I brought my arm away from my eyes and we stared at each other. There were no words, just comfortable silence.

Rossana's POV

We stared at each other. I was curious and confused on what my feelings were for him. He makes me feel something in me, its warm and i like it, yet i can't have him.

I can't bring him in my mess, my emotuons are spiraling and i can't seem to keep them in check. Showing emotion is a weakness, a feeling that makes you vulnerable. That is how I'm feeling as his light green eyes stare at my dark ones.

"Come." My eyes widened at his command. My feet slowly moved towards him but it wasn't fast enough as he grabs my arm and pulls me to him making me gasp. My eyes were wide as my face was inches from his. Our lips barely brushing.

I stare at his lips and then his eyes as i see him doing the same. Just an inch more and our lips could be touching! All of a sudden the phone rings making me jump away. Disappointment and anger flashes in his eyes but then amusement as i feel my face turn pink. I never blushed before! I feel exposed, my emotions all over the place.

I keep staring at him but i hear my phone ringing again. Quickly i turned around and grabbed my phone from off my desk. My eyebrows furrow as i answer the unkown call, "Hello?" It was silent. I clenched my jaw and made my voice firm as i spoke again a little louder, "Who is this?" Nothing. No sound.

The phone was then snatched from my hand, i looked at Alessandro as he tightly held the phone in his hand. I got closer and put my ear to the phone, then a gunshot went off, "Your next." The phone started beeping as the person hung up.

There was a knock on my door, "There is a delivery for," he looked at the package, "Rossana." I walked towards it, signed the paper and took the package. There was no name of who sent it. I put the little long package on my desk and slowly opened it. My teeth clenched as i took out the deadly rose covered with blood. Inside there was a note, i took it out and opened it.

The letter was in Italian,

Did you actually think that I wouldn't find you? Oh my princess, you're so naive. You thought you were free but the chase has only just begun. Take care of your family and watch your back. I'm coming for you. Soon you will be mine.


I could feel his presence behind me. There are many people who hate me from the underground, but only one gives me roses that are tainted with blood. I started shaking and Alessandro hugged me from behind making me jump a little. I forgot he was still here, "I won't let anything happen to you." His voice held anger but i wasn't shaking out of fear. No. My blood was boiling and my body shook out of rage.

This battle has just begun and i can't have my loved ones and Alessandro who for some reason makes me want to protect him, to get hurt. I will not let them lay a finger on them. My family. My friends. I will protect them. Thats a promise I intend to keep.

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