Chapter Twenty

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Rossana's POV

I got up and went to my room to take a shower. I got ready for work. Sam and Noah were allready gone, Sarah went job hunting saying she wants to help to get money and that she wants to learn to become responsible.

Jack and Mason started working at a garage fixing cars. Sarah mostly helped around the house with Fabia while John went off to do some business with his gang.

I got to work, i was able to cover my bruises from my face. I said goodbye to Fabia and Sarah. I went to the cafe across the street and got Mr. Milano's black coffee with two sugars and went straight to his office when i got there.

I knocked and he grunted a come in. He looked stressed when i walked inside. His hair was messy as if he's been running his fingers through his hair over and over again.

I set his coffee down, he kept his gaze on the papers he was working on. I started to walk away until he told me to wait. I turned and saw him looking at me. I walked towards him and stood in front of his desk.

"I need you to type these papers and make a reservation at the same restaurant for six people at one. I nod my head took the papers and went straight to my desk. I made the reservation first then finished the stack of papers.

Alessandro's POV

I went to the restaurant to meet up with my gang. I sat down and looked at them. My face was cold, i became the leader after my father retired. I finished highchool and went to college then became a successful CEO. Even though i became a successful CEO with the help of my father and mother, outside of my office i was a ruthless gang leader.

"Boss. There has been a comotion about another gang that keeps killing innocent people and leaving there bodies in rivers. We caught them trying to take a childs life in an ally so we took them and made sure to find the parents of the child they took. We locked them up in the wearhouse. What do you want to do with them?"

I looked at my second in command, Steven, "Question them, get information on why they are in my f#*king territoy. If they don't speak then torture them until they talk."

"Yes Boss." They nod and we spoke about getting money from the gangs that owed us. Some people don't seem to understand that they can't beat us, until we torture them or threaten their families lives.

I have shed blood and made sure their families watched or took their families and tortured them in front of them. They need to learn their place.

  I was driving home since i stayed there longer talking about how to get rid of the gangs that cross the line. Then my mind started drifting to my PA. For some reason she is different. She hasn't come on me trying to get me in bed or even flirt. For some reason it annoys me.

I don't understand why she has been on my mind ever since the first day she walked in my office for the interview.

I got home and poured myself a drink. Her green eyes, her body, her plump lips, everything about her mesmerized me. I had to clear my head, i don't believe in romance. That word is not in my vocabulary, its more of a pathetic feeling that only clouds my mind and then just as quick as it comes it leaves.

I leaned on my counter and took sips of my drink. I cant waste my time on pathetic romance sh*t.

I have to stay away from her. I won't let her beauty distract me. She is nothing and will be nothing to me. Even if i have to be harsh.


Rossana's POV

When i got home i went straight to my room to change. Everyone went out, probably still working or out shopping.

  I started taking my clothes off but instantly stopped in my tracks when i spotted something on my window from the corner of my eye. I turned and walked to my window slowly. It was opened a little, but thats not what caught my eye. It was a red rose and an envelope beside it.

Picking the envelope up i turned it to see if there was any writing but it was blank. I opened it and took the letter out.

My face darkened as i read the letter. It was in Italian and it was a warning. Anger bubbled inside me. They think they can threaten my family. They wont touch them; I'll make sure of that.

I picked up the rose being careful with the thorns. I noticed that the rose wasn't originally red. No. The rose petals were covered in blood.

I crushed the rose in my hand, opened my window and dropped the petals letting the wind take them away. They're messing with my family but this time, I'll be ready.

This time. They're the ones who will drown in their own blood, and I'll enjoy it. Every. Single. Second of it.

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