Chapter Thirty Eight

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Alessandro's POV

During the ride to work, Rossana stayed silent and i wanted to know what was wrong. As i turned the street i noticed that there were cops and an ambulance. Rossana kept looking out to them, but she kept quiet. There was a body bag they carried inside the ambulance, making me stop so as they turned on their siren and lights to pass.

Looking over at Rossana, she still stayed silent. I parked the car when we arrived to work, but sat there for a while in silence. After a while i gently took her hand in mine making her look at me, she kept her eyes on me as i kissed her hand hoping to get a reaction of her. She smiled a little, but her smile was sad, "Monsters aren't suppose to be loved."

I narrowed my eyes and looked at her confused as she took her hand away from mine and walked out as she walked inside. I sighed and was about to get out until my phone ringed, looking at the caller id it was one of my members from my gang. "What is it?" I was slighlty annoyed wanting to go inside to talk to Rossana.

"Boss. We found the location of the Silvers, they are hiding close to the underground. Its an old building and it seems that is where they have been hiding. And also the body that was found seemed to be part of the silvers gang." Narrowing my eyes, i thought about anyone else who would want them dead. Cursing, i get out of my car and walk towards my company, "Keep an eye on them, tonight we have to prepare, get the guys ready. Tonight we will ambush them." I hanged up after he answered back.

Walking inside i walk to the elevator but gave a nod at Rina as she kindly smiled, "Good morning Mr. Milano." I greeted her and walked to the elevator and pushed the button to the top floor. Walking out of the elevator i was going straight to my office but paused and walked to Rossana's first.

I peeked inside but she wasn't there. Walking to my office, i unlocked the door and went inside. I sat in my chair as i thought about the body that was found. Who else would have hatred over them? Who else would want them dead as much as me?

I took out the folder that was sent to me that had pictures of Rossana. I allready tried to find any finger prints but there was none at all. This b*stard is pissing me off, why the hell is he taking pictures of Rossana? Has he been following me whenever i'm with her?

I slammed my fist on my desk, "DAMN IT!" There was a knock on the door as i told them to come in. My eyes were still locked on the pictures until i heard her, "Mr. Milano." I snapped my head up to see Rossana standing in front of my desk making me slam my hand over the pictures making her jump. I quickly put them inside the envelope, careful to not show her. I didn't want her to worry or think that i am stalking her or something.

I stood up and walked up to her as i took her hand in mine. They were so cold and her face was a little pale as i caressed her cheek making her eyes widen. "You're so pale." Her usual rosy cheeks were a pale color making her look sick. She closed her eyes and leaned towards my hand as we stood like this, it was peaceful.

"I have something to do tonight, i cant take you home." She opens her eyes as they mesmerized me making me lean closer to her, our lips inches from each other. She just smiles at me, "It's okay. I'll have one of my brothers come pick me up, don't worry."

I trail my lips down her neck and leave a little kiss making me smirk as she shivered. Suddenly the door opens making Rossana jump away from me. I glared at the intruder until i noticed that it was my father, "Papà cosa stai facendo qui?" (Dad. What are you doing here?) "Dobbiamo parlare. Adesso." (We need to talk. Now.) I straighten up and nod, then looked at Rossana.

She greeted my father and excused herself making me watch her walk away and out of my sight. It made me uneasy not seeing her, not knowing where she is or if she is in danger. My fathers voice brought me out of my thoughts, "Figlio. Pensavo che tu non credevi nell'amore?" (Son. I thought you didn't believe in love?)

I looked at him, "I don't. I don't want to, yet Rossana drives me crazy. I have feelings for her, but i cant really say that i love her." He shakes his head, "The way you look at her is the same way i look at your mother. No matter how hard you try to stay away, she will find a way to pull you back to her whether she does it on purpose or not."

His face became serious, "We can talk about this later but right now i need to know if you have found the location of the Silvers." I nod and sit in my chair as he takes a seat as well, "Beniamino has found their location. We are going to ambush them tonight, the gang is ready."

  The gand and I are going tonight. My father nods his head then gets up, Be careful son." Although we dont always get along, i know that he cares. I nod my head then he turns and leaves. I have to go to the warehouse to meet up with the gang, but i dont want to let go of Rossana.

Pushing a button on the phone, I call her. "Yes Mr. Milano?" My body shivers and i smile as i hear her voice, "I'm sorry but i wont be able to take you home today. I have some business to take care of." I could hear the dissapointment in her voice, "Thats allright, i'll just call one of my brothers or my sister to pick me up." I nod even though she can't see me, "Good."

Hanging up I finish the paperwork. After a few hours i look at the clock and see that its late. Putting the papers away I grab my suit's coat (I domt know what the top of a suit is called. Is it vest? I dont know but i hope you guys understand.) Then walk out.

Walking over to Rossana's office, I knock but no one answers then i open her door and see she has allready left. I walk out to my car and leave straight to the warehouse. I'm going to find them no matter what!


I arrive at the warehouse and went to my office to change clothes. I keep clothes here just in case somthing like this comes up.

After talking with the gang we get our guns and drive to the location that they were at. When we got there I see a note on the door making me angry,

"Oh how stupid you are. It makes me laugh! This is going to be so fun!!"

I crumble the paper and grit my teeth while my i breathe out with anger. Then i hear some footsteps, I look at the guys and we hid while holding our guns. When they got close we came out and aimed our guns but when i saw who it was my eyes widen. "Rossana?"

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