Chapter fourteen

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Rossana's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. The room was dark. I looked around and saw Sarah next to me. I tried going over to her but thats when i noticed that we had chains around our wrists and ankles.

I started rattling them around pulling, tugging, hoping that they could loosen up. They looked old. I kept doing it but then i felt blood on my wrists as the metal cut deep.

I hear Sarah waking up. I looked at her and checked her for any bruises. She looked at me, her eyes were wide. She started panicking and thrashing around.

I got close to her and held her hands, "Shhh, Sarah. It's okay. I won't let them hurt you. I promise that I'll protect you the best I can. If they hurt you I'll make them pay a thousand times worse. Slowly."

She hugged me tightly. We sat there holding each other. Waiting for what HE wants to do.

We sit there. Waiting. The door rattles then opens and in came one of the men, No. MONSTER i vowed to destroy. The same man that slit my family's throught. The same monster  that works for him. The same monster that murdered my own flesh and blood.

No. He was no man. Monster. Thats what he is. Anger coursed through my veins. His name came out in a sneer leaving a bad taste in my mouth, "Sebastian." I watched him smile, "Where is Valter? Too much of a chicken to face me?" I smirked as his face turned red and a smack echoed through the walls. I glared at him but my smile never left.

"Well Rosalinda. You thought you could get away." He comes closer and roughly grabs my jaw. Thats going to leave a bruise. "Tell me where the documents are?"

I just smiled. I know that pissed him off.

He grabbed my hair and started dragging me but Sarah held on to me. He saw that she wasn't letting go so he kicked her in the face. My blood boiled i grabbed his face and with all my rage started beating him. I kept punching him over and over again until i heard a satisfying crack but he still was able to get up. All i could see was red. I was about to launch on him again but he aimed his gun at her making me stop.

"You want her alive? Then dont tempt me because i would love to see you in pain." He looked at her with lust making me even angrier. No one disrespects or hurt my family. I stood in front of her. "You just want me. Leave her out of this."

He was going to get closer until a guard came in and whispered something in his ear. Sebastian smirked and turned around and left.
I quickly turned to Sarah. She had tears in her eyes and her body trembled. I hugged her, "They will pay. I promise. They will never lay a hand on you again."

She held on to me and I to her as she sobbed.


Jack's POV

We looked everywhere. Every store, park, every corner that we could think off. Right now we were sitting in the kitchen. Noah and Sam were upstairs. They locked themselves in their rooms, only letting us hear their screams and punches as they let their frustration out.

I watched Mason pace around the living room his anger radiating off his body. We were all pissed, scared that something could be happening to them. Our precious sisters. Sam came running downstairs. His knuckles were bloody and his face was emotionless, "Lets go." Then Noah came down he looked even more messed up. His hair was everywhere, his eyes were red and his knuckles almost looked torn just like Sam's.

I looked at Mason. We didn't say anything we just got in our cars and started driving.

Hours passed. Weeks. We were frustrated. We didnt eat. We couldn't sleep. Sometimes in the middle of the night i would just go out and drive to clear my head. But it was no use my sisters faces would pop up making me even angrier then before.

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