Chapter ten

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Sarah's POV

I watched the boys as their faces turned pale. They ran out of the room and started yelling her name. I followed them. We put on our shoes told mom and dad what happened. They wanted to go with us but Sam said it was better if they stayed in case she came back.

We ran outside and separated. I went with Noah. "Did you hear her at all?" I shook my head. I started sobbing. Noah held my hand, "It's okay little sis. We'll find her. I promise." I nodded. We went to the park and checked if she was there. We went to stores that were opened around this time. I saw that it was 6 am.

Noah started getting frustrated. He called the guys and told them to meet at the park near the lake.

Sam's POV

I drove everywhere where we could think she would be. I swear if something happens to her i will find whoever hurt her and kill them.

  Mason spoke, "Sam. Noah said to meet them at the park near the lake." I quickly nodded and turned the car around. We got there and quickly got out, "Did you find her?!" Noah shook his head no and Sarah was crying.

Jack went to Sarah and hugged her. "It's okay Sarah. We'll find her." The mornings were cold but the afternoon was colder. Where are you Rose?

Mason's POV

We were frustrated. I punched the tree making my knuckles open and bleed. Sarah gasped and ran over to me and held my hand.

I clenched my teeth and hugged her, "Please. Don't hurt yourself. Rose doesn't like seeing us hurt." I sighed, "I'm sorry Sarah. I just. I'm so worried. Part of our family is missing. It's painful and terrifying thinking that something might have happened to her."

Noah kept punching a tree. I didn't even notice until i heard the guys yelling at him to stop. I let go of Sarah and ran to Noah. I shoved him. He glared at me.

Sam turned to him, "Noah. Now is not the time to lose ourselves. We need to find our baby sister. Its getting colder by the second. So get your f#*$ing head straight and think!" Noah was breathing hard with his teeth clenched. He nodded.

Jack's POV

I watched as Sam tried calming Noah down. We all had tears in our eyes. She makes us like this. She makes us feel. She makes us hurt. She gives us so many emotions just having her away for a second hurts us.

She's our precious sister. Fragile in the inside but strong as a rock on the outside. But even rocks can crumble.

So we will be her rocks. Her security. Her family. Her happiness. We will find her. No matter what. No matter what.


Noah's POV

I can't lose her. She's the only reason I'm still alive. We kept searching. I stopped at the alley where she found me. I remember the way she laughed. The promise she gave me.

I balled my fists. I'm going to f*#$ing murder the person who touched her if she has bruises or even a single hair from her head missing.

I started to turn around until something caught the corner of my eye. My eyes widened. They were bare feet, i ran and saw her. My beautiful girl curled into a ball on the ground.

I grabbed her. Her body was as cold as ice but her head was burning. I ran to the car. I buckled her up but loose  enough for her to lay down.

I called Jack, "Did you find her?!" "Yeah. But she's burning up. I'm pretty sure she has a fever. Get to the house and take out a lot of blankets. The thermometer, cough medicine, and ice water with a rag. We need to bring her fever down."

I hanged up and sped home. I got there and saw Sam's car. I quickly unbuckled her and held her protectively in my arms, trying to keep her warm.

I ran inside and opened the door making it hit the wall. Everyone ran up to me. They started asking a bunch of questions but i told them that we need to bring down her fever first. They nod their heads.

I quickly went upstairs. The bed had a bunch of warm blankets to keep her warm. I took her to the restroom. She was still unconscious. I turned on the warm water, put her on my lap and held her head. I started rubbing her cold feet with a warm rag. After her feet felt warm enough i dried them and walked out. Everyone was allready there.

I laid her down and started to take her shirt off so i can put on a warm shirt, but what i saw brought horror and anger.

Scars. Words. Carved on her fragile back. I looked at the guys and they were pissed. Their faces were angry. Sarah was pissed as well. I looked at our little girl. I put the shirt on her. I got on my knees and put the cold rag on her head. I tucked the blankets, making sure her whole body was warm enough.

She started shivering. We stayed up the whole morning. We didn't speak. Anger coursed through my blood. We laid in the bed beside her. Jack and Mason laid on her legs. I laid on her right, Sarah was on her left and Sam was behind Sarah.

It's as if we were shielding her from whatever could hurt her. Shielding her from danger, pain, and nightmares. From this corrupted world. I tucked my face on her neck.

Fabia and John went to sleep. Fabia almost fainted seeing her little girl so pale. John had to take her to bed. We reassured them that we're going to be with her all day. They nodded and went to rest.

I closed my eyes and let her warmth and scent calm me into a deep sleep.

Baby girl. Who dared laid a hand on you. Was my last thought before sleep overcame.

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