Chapter Nineteen

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Rossana's POV

After the fight i went home with my brothers and sister. They never miss a fight. Mom and dad don't know about them becuase i don't want them to worry. I actually was able to keep the street fighting a secret from my brothers and sister for a few weeks untill Sarah decided to follow me one night.

She was worried becaus i would wake up in the middle of the night and leave.

I was fighting a big guy that kept beating me up. Of course i was about to beat him up but then i felt his wait off of me and yelling, then i felt arms picking me up and caring me out of the ring. I was confused at first then it got to me. Noah and Sam were beating the sh*t out of him while Jack and Mason held me close and Sarah started asking me if i was okay.

After them finally beat the guy up. To say i was mad would be an understatement. No, i was furious. I love them but this guys was the big deal with a huge amount of money and if i beat him i would win the money and help out more for our family.

Noah and Sam got out and they pretty much dragged me out of there. I was a little frightened, their faces looked murderous. They were faces i never want to see again.

The ride home was very intense and quiet. No one spoke. No one said a word. We got home and Noah stormed out along with Sam. Mason and Jack looked at me and started scolding me. I felt like little kid getting scolded from taking too many cookies from a cookie jar.

After there yelling of how worried they were and angry at seeing the son of a bitch hitting my face they were furious. They wanted to kill him right there. After some more yelling they finally stopped.

I looked at Sarah but she looked a little angry as well making me sigh knowing I'll get an earfull of her and my older brothers as well.

I walked and went inside our house. I took a deep breath and went to Sam's room first. I opened thd door a little and a bit quietly and peeked inside. I jumped at his voice a little since i couldn't hear him.

"Come inside Rossana." Sh*t he said my full name. Now i know I'm definitely going to get an earfull from him. I went inside closing the door and sat on his bed. I waited but he didn't speak. I looked up and his face was angry and worried. I'm guessing that my face doesn't look so well becuase he told me to follow him to the bathroom. He got out the first aid kit and told me to sit on the counter where the sink is.

He was quiet. He would just glance at me worried sometime when i flinched from the pain, but not too bad that i couldn't handle.

Finally he spoke, "Why?" That was it. That was the only question he asked. I thought he had more but when he didn't say anything i answered, "I... I like it. The adrenaline that courses through me makes me feel free. I know that you guys were worried about me but you don't have too worry." I look up at him and grinned, "Also, i always win." He stared at me a little longer then he started laughing making me smile. I like it when he's laughing carefree. I like seeing smiles on their faces.

His laughing stopped then he became serious again. He took in a breath and then blew it out, "I understand, but i don't like it. When i saw that piece of scum beating you up i didn't even think,  i just started running and the next thing i knew Noah and i started beating the living sh*t out of him. No one messes with our family."

We were quiet as he kept treating my wounds. "You know, its going to be hard explaining to Noah. Not only did you not tell us where you were going, we just ended up seeing you get hit by that scum and it made us furious." I sighed, "I know. I'm sorry. But it helps me. Whenever i fight i calculate all their moves and use them against them or others when i fight. I practice until get ot right and I'm able to add my own moves as well. That way they won't think that i can't get my own moves."

"How did i get a smart sister?" We smiled at each other he puts the aid kit away and kisses my forehead, "on to another angry brother of yours." I smiled and let out a breath as i started walking to Noahs room. Just like Sam's, i open the door slowly and i see him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

I walk towards him and sit beside him. We just sit there for a while, his hard breathing was the only sound. I finally decided to break the silence and spoke quietly, "I'm... I'm sorry." I looked at him, but he didn't move. I wrapped my arms around him. He tensed up then relaxed, almost as if he was in his own little world and didn't notice my presence.

He returned the hug and held me tight. His voice was rough and husky, "You have no idea how worried i was. When i went to check on you girls... you weren't there. I got scared something happened to you. Then Sarah said she might know where you were. As we drove to the adress she gave us i was shocked and pissed that you could be here. When we went inside and saw that two people were fighting and noticed you were one of them and that son of a bitch kept pounding your face with his fist i got so pissed. My blood boiled and i before i knew it i roughly took him off you and staryed beating him along with Sam. I was worried yet angry."

He took my face and cupped my cheeks, "Please Rossana. Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again. Don't disappear and not tell us where you're at. Please little sis. Don't make us worry. I met get a heart attack the next time."

I hugged him as he picked me up and put me on his lap. I was too comfortable and exhausted from the fight that my eyes started closing. I could feel myself and Noah lay down on his bed. I guess I'm sleeping here tonight. I was too tired to move. I know that Sarah would go to Sam's room.

  Sometimes i have to remind myself that I'm not alone. I have a family. We're broken emotionally and physically but little by little we're fixing ourselves because we have each other.

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