Chapter Twenty Eight

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Rossana's POV

Its dark. Everything. I could hear a faint sound from the background. Where am I? I opened my eyes to blinding lights, making me squeeze my eyes shut and slowly open them again. I heard the sound again, like a beeping sound. My mind was finally clearing making me more alert of my surroundings.

I realized that i was in a hospital bed and that the sound was my heart coming from the heart monitor. Quickly, i sat up and ripped the needle out of my skin. Wanting to get out of this sickening place, i grabbed the edge of the hospital bed and tried to get up. My legs wobbled as i tried standing, then the door opened making me fall.

"Maam!" A nurse came rushing to my side and started helping me up, then another doctor comes inside. Dammit! How many doctors are going to come?!  They tried helping me to get up but i thrashed around, "LEAVE ME ALONE!! DONT TOUCH ME!! LET ME GO!!" They started yelling something but they stopped when the door burst open and strong arms wrapped around me. "Ssshhh. Rose. Its allright, its okay. I'm here. I wont let them touch you, its okay, your safe." The voice was soft. I looked up at Mason as he held me then i heard footsteps rushing inside, "ROSE!!" I saw Noah grab the doctors coat, "WHAT DID YOU DO!! WHY IS SHE ON THE FLOOR! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!" Sam quickly grabbed Noah and had to shove him so he could let go of the doctor.

Mason picked me up and laid me back down on the bed. Noah tried to get to the doctor but froze, "Noah." I whispered his name but loud enough for him to hear me. He turned and looked at me. His eyes were red, his hair was a mess and his shirt was wrinkled. He had bags under his eyes. In fact, all of them had bags under their eyes, like they haven't slept.

Sarah held my hand then gently hugged me. I put my arms around her trembling body as she cried, "It's okay Sarah. I'm okay now." She sniffed, "No. No your not okay. You had 16 stitches on your leg and 27 on your side. Don't tell me your okay. I know you're not." She tightened her arms around me, "Please. Please don't keep the pain in. We were so worried and when you came home looking like this, all bloody, scratched and bruised. I-we-we didn't know what to feel. Relieved that you came home?! Scared that your injuries would kill you which they could have! Rose you had internal bleeding! Your right ribs are broken and your left ribs are bruised! What were you doing! Who did this to you!"

I hugged her to me and tried to comfort her. Mason sat in a chair beside me on the the left of the bed while Sarah still held me from my right. Noah came close after Sam calmed him down and sat on the bed, then laid his head on my legs. Jack sat on the other side of my legs and Sam sat in a chair on my right.

Sarah let me go but laid her head on my shoulder. We sat there as the doctors put the needle back inside my arms. They left after checking me saying that i will need to be on bed rest for two weeks, which is not good since i still need to go to work. I doubt i'll be able to move anytime soon though. Although the drug numbed my pain, i know that when it wears off, i'll be in pain for a while.

"Rossana! Rossana!" Fabia and John came rushing inside, yet no one moved a muscle even when Fabia came to give me a hug. John placed a kiss on my forehead after assuring them that im okay. "Are you sure you're allright sweety? If your in pain, please tell me." Fabia worried and kept asking while John came and kissed my hand. I smiled at them, "I'm okay now. I dont feel any pain becuase of the drugs."

The doctor came in and told me that i will have to stay the night just to make sure that nothing happens. 

Sam's POV

She didn't answer when the doctor said that she'll have to spend the night, instead her face turned emotionless again. There was no emotion to give away what she was thinking.

"Is it that hard to trust us?" Jack spoke with no emotion, his voice was cold making Rossana to quickly turn her head to him. Her eyes widened as his question sounded more as an accusation. "Why the hell did you go back there?! Why do you do things that can put your life in danger!" His voice rised at every word and his hands clenched into fists, "WHY! TELL ME! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED AND WE WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO HELP! LOOKING AT YOU LAYING HERE HURT! BRUISED! IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH FOR NOT BEING THERE, PROTECTING YOU! I LOVE YOU ROSSANA! WE ALL DO AND WANT YOU SAFE! WHAT MAKES IT SO HARD TO TRUST US!!" Mason quickly jumped up and pushed Jack out of the hospital room.

I watched as Jack rushed Mason outside to calm him down. Looking back at Rossana, she had her head down and was gripping the sheets of the bed. None of us spoke up for a while.

It was shocking to hear Jack yell at Rossana, all this time Jack has been quiet. I walked over to her, "Rossana." She jumped at my voice making me sigh quietly. "He's mad." Her voice was sad when she spoke.

Sarah gently wrapped her arms around her, "He's upset that your hurt. We all are. We were worried that something bad had happened to you and we were right. You have no idea how scared we were when you came home bloody and bruised." Sarah held Rossana's face as she made her face her, "Rose. Why did you go back to fight? And don't lie to me. I know you went to the pit. You know you have enemies there and to make matters worse there is a maniac after you. So why? Why didn't you at least tell us where you were going?"

Rossana looked at me as Sarah dropped her hands, her eyes were clouded with emotions as she kept her eyes on me. Sarah sighed, "I'm going to check how Jack and Mason are." Sarah gets up and leaves, closing the door behind her.

Noah's POV
I stared at Rossana. Her eyes were red from unshed tears. Her face was pale and her hands shook as she kept gripping on the bed sheets. I put my hand on her cheeck and gently rubbed her cheeck with my thumb.

She looked at me and spoke. Her voice was a broken whisper, so fragile and weak. "Are you angry?" I dropped my hand from her face and instead looked down and held her hand. "I would be lying if i said i wasn't." I looked at her face that held no emotion again, just her eyes that had unshed tears. I kissed her cheek and hugged her.

We stayed like this for a while until she fell asleep. I laid her back down and got off the bed to sit in the chair that Mason was sitting at. Sam sat on the opposite side as we stared at each other with anger and hurt for Rossana. For a while we just sat quietly then Sam spoke up, "We have to find the b*stards that did this to her. I want them to pay Noah." I nod my head, "I agree."

Fabia kissed our foreheads while John pat our shoulders, "Try to rest. We'll be back in the morning." I nod my head but never took my eyes off of Rossana. I laid my head on the bed while holding her hand as Sam did the same. We have to find a way to get rid of that b*stard that keeps messing hurting our sister.


Alessandro's POV

I sat at my desk. Rossana hasn't come to work yet and it was starting to bother me. Something wasn't right, not once has she came late. My mind kept wandering back to that letter and the Rose. I closed my eyes and sighed while i rest my elbows on my desk and my forehead on my clasped hands. What the hell is her story? I want to know. I want to protect her and kill the b*stard that is tormenting her.

I opened my drawer from my desk and took out her file. I opened the yellow envelope and searched the page. I found what i was looking for. Her address. I needed to see her. I need to know if she's ok. Why she didn't call that she wouldn't come to work. I never cared about my previous Personal Assistants but Rossana was like a rare jewel that makes me want to keep hidden from this trechorous sinful world, yet I'm also part if that world. A world where blood is shed and corpses lay by my bare hands.

I told Rina, my secretary to cancel any meetings then got in my car and put in her address. I arrived to her house not knowing what to say. My thoughts were then interrupted when i noticed that i was allready in front of her door. The house was big, but the atmosphere was warm. I knocked on her door and a man and woman opened the door.

I was suprised just as them, "Hello. My name is Alessandro Milano and i'm looking for Miss. Calvetti."

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