Chapter Seventeen

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Rossana's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 6 am. I got up and took a shower. I covered my tattoos with a long sleeve blouse and went downstairs to eat.

I kissed Fabia and John on their cheeks, "Morning. I have to go so I dont get stuck on traffic." John stopped me, "Aren't you going to eat first?" I shook my head and got my keys but Fabia shook her head and stuck a bread in my mouth, "Eat this bread and be careful on the street. I'll tell your brothers and sister you had to leave." I took the bread and smiled, "Grazie Fabia. I'll see you later." I kissed her on the cheek and waved goodbye to John.

I got in my mustang and put on my playlist. Pull the trigger by Russ played and it made me remember that day. The eyes. Everything. I felt anger remembering what happened to Mason yesterday. Remembering how bruised he looked.

I put the volume up and drowned myself in the words. It took me 15 min to get there.

I parked my car and got out. I walked in and greeted Rina, but her face looked worried. I walked up to her desk, "What's wrong Mrs. Johnson?" She smiled and shook her head, "You can just call me Rina sweetheart. Mr. Milano isn't happy right now but don't let his temper scare you away. He's a good man. Just. Stressed." I heard screaming in the office and a woman gets out frightened and looked about ready to cry. I looked at Rina and she smiled an apologetic smile. I quickly go make his coffee and stand in front of his office and knock seeing that I was right on time.

I hear him grunt a come in. I walk to his desk and put the coffee down. He sips it and closes his eyes. I stand there and wait for his instructions.

After a while he opens his eyes and looks at me, "I need you to make a dinner reservation at seven at Ambrosia for two and have these documents typed and organized. I dont care how long it takes get them done today." I nod and took the stack of papers. I was about to go out until I remembered that I don't know where I'll be working at! I turn to look at him again and stood in front of his desk. I saw him roll his eyes as he looked up at me annoyed, "What?" I stared at his mesmerizing green eyes, "I dont know where my office will be." He sighed again and clicked the phone while Rinas voice was heard, "Yes?" "Mrs. Johnson please escort Mrs. Calvetti to her office." "Yes Mr. Milano."

He hanged up and just like in the interview, we stared at each other. I looked down from his intense eyes but looked at him through my eyelashes. He was still staring at me. I started squirming from the intense gaze until I heard a knock making me jump a little making Mr. Milano smirk. "Come in."

I looked at the door and saw Rina come in. She smiled at me, "Come on sweetheart." I turned to Mr. Milano and his face was back to cold feature. I followed Rina and we went down the hallway passing three rooms. We stopped at the fourth one, "Well. Here we are sweetheart." She opened the door revealing a small room with an office desk on the right and a couch on the left along with a cabinet type of squares. It was cozy. I smiled at Rina, "Thank you." "Anything you need just ask me and I'll help you out with what I can." I thanked her again and sat down.

I looked through the pages but first I made the reservations, then kept typing and correcting the papers. I heard a knock on the door and the door opening. I looked up to see my boss with one hand in his pocket leaning on my door and his ankles crossed. Yup. This man is very cocky. I stared blankly at him as he approached my desk and put his hands down and leaned forward, "Are you finished?" I stared at him. Then saw that the clock said 12 am. I've been typing these papers for three hours. It was a huge stack.

I looked at Mr. Milano. I can't seem to figure him out. I started typing again, "I have this last paragraph, and then I'm finished." He nod his head and sat down on the couch. He looked exhausted.

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