Chapter Twenty Four

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Alessandro's POV

Paper's kept stacking up on my desk. After coming back from lunch Rossana went to her desk and even though i wanted to comfort her and ask what was wrong, what made her change,  getting involved with her would be too risky.

I have plenty of enemies and if they see me with someone i care about then they will use them as my weakness. Wait? Someone i care about? I rubbed my face and sighed. These feelings are getting out of hand, I'm getting too attached to her, there is just something about her that just makes me want to protect her.

She's messing with my mind, making me have feelings. There's a knock on my door, "Come in." I was shocked to see that it was my mother. Getting out of my seat, i went to hug her and kissed her on the cheek. "Sei qui da solo? (Are you here alone?)" "Sì. Tuo padre ha dovuto finire il suo lavoro. (Yes. Your father had to finish his work.)" I was surprised my mother was alone, my father is a possessive man when it comes to my mother. Thats when i realised something. I crossed my arms and looked at my mother with an eyebrow raised, "You didn't tell him you were coming here. Did you." I could allready picture him, his face red from anger and stress and worry. My mother would sometimes leave without telling him whether it was to the store or going to the mall, dad would always make her have a bodyguard or it was him with her. She was never alone, and i can tell that mom allready knows how he is right now by the way she was smiling mischievously.

"I know seeetheart but that man needs to calm himself down before he  ends up with a heart attack and if something does happen I'm going to make sure he stays alive so i can give him a peace of my mind!" I shake my head while chuckling. I've always had a good relationship with my parent's, we were always there for each other.

Its not perfect, sometimes i argue with my father since we both are hot headed as mom likes to call us, but besides that we're very close. I love my parents and withought them, i wouldn't really know how i would be able to move forward. They helped me get by my darkest days when i was with Her.

I knew they hated her, not even disliked, no they completely told me straight put that they didn't like her. Of course i was naive and "in love" and after what she put me through i vowed to never fall in love again. I was quite happy but then this beautiful woman had to come and work for me and get my emotions all jumbled up.

I just want to hold her. Dam it! I'm just going to take it as a man. This isn't  high school where it's just a crush. No. Out here in the real world i learned not to trust easily especially in these types of business. Trusting too much in others when your trying to build a good business and being the leader of a gang is truly exhausting.

After chatting a little longer with my mother, father called me and told me to tell mom that she was in big trouble. I rolled my eyes, they still act lile teenagers, they tell me everyday how much they love each other and how it grows each second of the day. I don't understand their love but I'm happy when i see them together still laughing and joking around whenever they spend time with each other. As the leader of a mafia, my father puts on the strong cold facade but mom always sees through him.

They're both trying to tell me what its like to fall in love. That its something wonderful when you find "the one" as cheesy as it sounds. I just shake my head and smile. I know they're worried about me, but its hard to find someone who you can truly love and trust, especially in the world I'm libing in. The brutality and the blood i shed, if i fall for a woman and tell her the real me, tell her about the deaths I've caused and the blood I've shed, would she still stay?

Like i said. This world i live in is cruel and brutal and i wouldn't want to bring a loved one in something that i know they won't be able to handle.

I sit in my chair and think of Rossana again. I can't take her out of my mind. She's intoxicating, no matter how hard i try to stay away she just somehow makes me want to stay by her side and figure her out.

I want her to be mine.


Rossana's POV

I'm sitting at my desk and getting ready to leave until a knock comes on my door. I look and see Alessandro standing there. He started walking towards me, his fingers brush my face in a gentle motion. My eyes are wide, i dont know whats going on until i feel his breath by my ear, "What are you doing to me Rossanna."

His thumb starts caressing my cheek. It felt so calming i wanted to close my eyes but then he stops, steps back and leaves without a glance.

My mind is clouded and all i want to know right now is, what just happened?

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