CH 19 - Downfall of Yogtowers (Part 2)

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CH 19 (Part 2) – Downfall of Yogtowers

*A lot of changing POVs*

*Warning: this chapter is a bit emotional*


I had completed my recording with Sjin and Duncan as leaned back on my chair and stretched. From the window across the room, It seemed that I have been recording for quite a while. It was about eight o'clock. So I took a decisive move to turn off my PC and decide to actually find the girls.

Grabbing my jumper, I walked over to the door and exited the room, peaking both ways of the hallway. Even though it was the early night, it seemed that everyone turned down for today. Saturdays were usually the time the office was only half full; only the editors, Hannah, Simon, Sjin and Duncan and the other administrators came today.

As the silence carried on, I ambled down - somehow watching the white lights blurring my eyes. Though as I began walking down to the main floor, I felt my surroundings to warm up...we didn't normally have the heater on nowadays. Someone had probably turned it on, it was still February: still flippin' freezing.

Luckily I spotted my wife just about to leave due to her wearing her coat and carrying her satchel with her. I smiled and went up to her, wrapping my arms gently with my lips touching her forehead.

"Had a good recording?" I asked her.

Hannah replied: "Yep: I can't wait for the DLC of Assassins' Creed to come out." She eyed me with her usual 'Wait a minute' look.

I returned the gesture and said, "What?" When I realised after a few seconds, I then sighed deeply. "Alright, I will go and tell them."

"Have some bravery, spaceman." She pecked my lips, making me roll my eyes. "You're doing a good job as being a dad to them...and maybe for this one too."

This made me gaze over the small bump on her stomach. It was small, though we had managed to hide it. Only Simon and our parents knew of it.

When Hannah began to leave again, I continued walking down to find it the whole place empty. I stopped by the Livestream room, leaning by the door to spot Turps playing Hearthstone. It seemed he was doing some livestreaming.

Reluctantly: I agreed to stay with him throughout the hour.



I gasped and flung myself up from my position.

"Cat, are you okay?" Frantically, I tried to find the voice. The room was pitch black after turning all the fairy lights off in the room. I felt an arm around me, familiarising their hand as I calmed down.

I took a deep breaths and said quietly, "I'm fine, Toby...I just...I just had a nightmare that's all." Taking off the covers, I sat up whilst Toby followed – sitting on the sofa beside me.

"You can tell me." His eyes seemed to stare at mine as I let mine looking over the open window and cloudy sky. "How long did we sleep?"

Shrugging, I carried on un-creasing my shirt. Luckily I didn't trip over the box that I had placed filled with all my journals, music scores and other belongings. Toby and I eventually got ready and shut the floor with all the fairy lights, with our minds focusing on finding how Ellie was doing downstairs with her recording.

When we got to my sister's door, I watched her focused on the computer screen; her fingers endlessly moving in great speeds. I knocked on the door and Ellie obliged to take us for granted and let us into her office.

Chances • Yogscast Book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now