New Hair

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When he finished, Korosensei didn't do what I wanted, but he did better. My hair was completely short. It almost looked like a men's hair style. I had bangs hanging into my face and at the sides of my face, but it was shorter in the back then the front. It was also styled to look messy. In the mirrors, it looked even better. I felt tears sting my eyes again.

"Korosensei, this is amazing. How did you know it would look so good?"

"It was my back up plan if I couldn't become an assassin. And I had to have a job when I was your age, and this was my calling. You should try on wigs. It does help with technique."

"Well, thank you so much. It's so beautiful. I wish there was something I could do to make it up to you."

"Bring more of that French tea. I went to France and couldn't find it anywhere!"

"Of course. We have lots of it at home. My foster mom owns a tea brand so she travels a lot to other countries. She's really rich too, but I don't care for money. I'll bring you a box from home tomorrow morning. I'm sure you can make it yourself."

"I sure can, and Kaiko..." he called to me before I walked away. "I believe you can be a great assassin one day. If you ever do become one, I want you to find the assassin known as God of Death and kill him. You'll become the God of Death and the most powerful assassin in the world, but you'll have done something good."

I turned around and smiled at Korosensei. "It's nice to think I could be that good, but I probably won't be able to do it, but I swear on my life that I'll do my absolute best." I told him, then ran out of the classroom smiling bright. I ran as fast as I could to where Karma was said to be, blasting past everyone. They didn't even know I was there other then the huge gust of wind that blew some of them over. I saw sitting under the tree, sulking and twiddling with his thumbs. "What are you doing out here?" I asked, leaning against the tree.

He looked up at me. His eyes went wide again, love filling them. "Wow Kaiko, you look gorgeous. When did you get that done?"

"Korosensei did it for me. I had a few questions for him and in return, he told me he would cut my hair instead of going to a fancy barbers shop. That's not the answer to what I asked. Why were you being so pouty?"

His gaze dropped again. "I put that bullet in Nagisa's gun, and it nearly killed me. If you hadn't have shown everyone what you could do, I would have been dead because I put a bullet in there hoping that Nagisa could distract him with it long enough that one of us could take the killing shot. I didn't want any of that to happen. I nearly killed myself." he said, and tears fell down his face. He started breaking down. I walked over to him, sitting beside him. I put his head on my shoulder as he cried.

"It's okay. I would never have let you die. I'm not so insane that I would just let someone die. There wasn't a thing I would have changed today. Nobody would have been crazy enough to let someone die who they like. And Karma, I really like you." I told him, and his head popped up, the tears just disappearing.

"You really like me? So, if I asked you on a date, you'd say yes?"

"Well, I don't go on dates because men and boys are a distraction to my mission, but, because I think this date would be a pretty good distraction, I will say yes. I can't tomorrow, but I'm free all night tonight?" I offered.

"Great. Do you know where the old tea house is?"


"Meet me there. My Mom and Dad work there and I said I would help them for a few hours, but afterwards I can tell you every note that Nagisa has made on Korosensei?"

"So, this is a study date?"

"Yeah, except with battle plans. Is that okay?" He asked, worried.

"No problem. I'll be sure not to wear a skirt then." I smiled.

"Okay, well, I'll see you there. I should get going before they get too busy. See you later!" he said, then started walking into the forest like he was never even crying. I stood up, shaking my head as I walked back towards my other classmates. When they saw me, they stared again.

"Hi, I'm Rio. We haven't met yet but you're the girl who almost killed Korosensei this morning. I love what you did with your hair. It suits you, but you do almost look like a boy. You would if it was styled differently."

"Oh." I said, jumping back as she walked right up to me and into my face. "I'm Kaiko. Nice to meet you. Thank you, I just got it cut. Korosensei is a really good stylist. He did it exactly the way I wanted it even though it wasn't what I asked for."

"He tends to do that with everything. So, what are you doing now? A few of us were going to go to the mall. Want to join us?" She asked, being very forward.

"Uh, sorry, I can't."

Nagisa didn't look surprised. "Yeah, I'm not going either. What are you doing?"

"Heading home then maybe getting some tea. I promised Korosensei that I'd bring him more tea because he got my hair perfect. So, are you okay Nagisa?"

"I'm a little shocked about this morning, but who wasn't. Thanks for getting me out of trouble. I know that nobody would have done that in the other part of the school."

"Well, I don't really belong in A class anyway. Too snooty for me. Anyway, I should started heading home. I'm just going to walk, that way I'll get there by 3:00 and then I can get ready for tomorrow."

"What's going on tomorrow?" Rio asked again. "Could it be a date possibly?"

"Actually, I have other plans. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Have a nice time at the mall!" I yelled, walking down the hill.

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