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Nagisa walked over to me and hugged me tight. "Nobody is killing you. Karma took it too far, he does that sometimes."

"Yeah right. I'm an idiot. I've been at the same school as you for a long time and I never even noticed that we kind of look the same before. Look at this mop of hair I have. Korosensei did a great job with it, but should I just go back to having short, short hair again? Father wanted me to be a boy so should I be? I never liked how I became after the experiments. I should have looked exactly like you. This is hard enough Nagisa, please just let me go. I'm becoming something that you don't understand yet. I want you to trust me when I say that it's best for me just to die."

He stood up, snapping at me. "You're going to give up because Karma found out about some stupid work crush? Stand up Kaiko and be the strong person you were raised to be. You more then anyone know how fun it is to be in this class! Stop being a little princess! Be whoever you want to be, by there will always be some things you can't change! You can't make your past change but you can make your future better! Find you Mother and tell her about yourself! Wear a dress or wear big sweaters! Do what your father wanted you to do or do what you want to do! It's all your choice! Be happy about this semi-permanent hair colour change! You don't have to be alone anymore Kaiko! So what is Karma goes to far sometimes, you love it! He's your friend, everyone here is your friend! He might not admit it, but he cares about you a lot! If you die, you know that your brother would know it! You are twins, right? You are part of each other!"

Part of each other. "I never was alone, was I? I wasn't the only one getting experiments done." I stood up, looking Nagisa in the eyes. Tears stung my eyes as he nodded slightly. I couldn't hold the tears in anymore. "Thank you." I told him, then gave him my photo book.

"What are you giving this to me for?" He asked, shocked. "Kaiko..."

"This is my past. It's all of my good and bad memories. It's a recording of my life and I want you to keep it safe because you are probably the biggest part of my future." I whispered to him.

"Just don't die, okay?" He asked me.

"It might not be a choice. If you manage to kill Korosensei, which I know you will, you'll have to eventually kill me too." I whispered to Nagisa.

"I don't know why you're saying that, but if I have to, I will. If you are going to be an assassin, I'll be right by your side. I just want to know, did you meet the Reaper?" He asked me.

Everyone was watching now, coming closer to hear the conversation. Even Mr. Karasuno and Ms. Jelavic came running over to us. Karasuno gave Karma a tissue. I put my tentacles away as fast as I could.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I was getting carried away with the..." I was embarrassed a little bit. "...the, um, you know."

"I don't care if you have tentacles, I don't care about experiments,I don't care what colour hair you have and I don't care about why you like Karma, but I do care about you Kaiko Hidori. You don't have to hide from me. You can tell me anything, you know that, right?" Shiota told me. "If there is anything you need to talk about. You can tell me if you met the person who went missing so long ago..." I stopped him there.

"If I told you, I would never forgive myself. If you could see what I can see, you would hate me. Shiota, I've been through some pretty horrible stuff but if I told you what I know, you would die. The answer to if I have met the Reaper before, would be a no, but I did meet the man behind the mask once. He was kind and gave me tips on how to be a better person and wanted me to just be me. He was a lot like you." I told him, breaking down. Karma was so shocked by me crying, that he didn't try to stab me at all.

I handed an anti-sensei knife to Nagisa. He gently tapped the knife over my heart. I was surprised when he knew where it was. My heart had been moved, due to the fact I had tons of tentacles inside of me. My heart has moved to the middle of my chest. He removed the knife gently and I smiled so bright even through I was still bawling my eyes out.

"You are more human then you think Kaiko. Trust me. You think you're a monster but you aren't. Jut because you were experimented on, doesn't mean you're frankenstien."

When he said that, Nagisa sounded a lot like Korosensei. Nagisa made me sound more like Korosensei. I looked over at the gigantic yellow octopus man. That smile was still on his face, but he was definitely scared. He was scared of what I was becoming. At least Nagisa won the game, so I didn't have to play anymore.

"Thank you, Nagisa Shiota. I think I'm going to take a break now and get my arm fixed. I-I'll see you later." I told him, then walked towards the school like nothing bad had happened yet.

Tonight I was meeting Mrs. Shiota, my mom. I was going to confront my dad. I was going to find a way to fix Korosensei before it was too late. This was the most crucial time to change him back and that's what I was going to do, no matter what it takes, or I am going to have the same fate as him. I closed my eyes as I walked towards the school, tears dripping down my cheeks. Everyone just made a hole for me to walk through. I stumbled through, trying to remember who I was. What my future is going be.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to Nagisa once again. He helped Karma a bit, but Karma understood, him seeing that my dad and Nagisa's dad were the same person he already knew that we were siblings. Nagisa ran over to me, and I walked towards him.

"Kaiko, are you okay?" He asked me.

"Nagisa, i'be decided what I'm going to do after graduation." I declared. "I lied, I had known the Reaper, even if it were for a brief time. He was kidnapped and killed. You will never see the Reaper again. A man, who's name I don't know, took his place. I'm going to hunt this man down and reclaim the name of the brace man who helped me live through everything I had been through." I told Nagisa, not bothering to wipe the tears away. "For a while, I decided that if he was going to die, I would have the same fate, but now... now I have family and friends who need me alive for now. I have an old friend who need to get revenge for what that man did to him and since he can't do it, I'm going to."

"You're going to become the Reaper?" Nagisa asked, shocked.

"No. I'm going to reclaim the title and give it to someone worthy. After that, who knows what I might do, but I know that one thing for sure."

Nagisa smiled brighter at me then he ever did before. "That's the best thing that you've said since you got to this class."

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