Festival: Part One

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The rest of that day, I hadn't done much. My arm was hurt and I was just to upset to do anything else. At least school ended on a good note. This whole weekend would be a party. The festival was huge and in a few hours, people would be showing up and setting up their booths.

The teachers set everyone into groups. The girls group and the boys group. The girls got the good room with lots of space where we could set up our sleeping gear, whatever we might have brought. I just sat in a corner with all my stuff. I still had that picture of the Reaper but I wanted to burn it. I was already cursed enough by seeing him every time I see Korosensei. That gave me an idea though. I got up and ran to find Korosensei outside helping with other people's booths. He was drsssed as a normal person with skin coloured skin and everything, even though he was still huge. I was surprised nobody really cared.

There was so many people showing up even earlier then they were supposed to, but I still had to talk to Korosensei about it.

"Hey, teach!" I yelled, running towards Korosensei. "I need to ask you something!"

"Ah! Kaiko. Needing my advice once again, this is so wonderful! What do you need?" He asked me, his face going pink under the makeup.

"When you look at me, what do you see?"

"I see a bright young student." He smiled brightly at me. He patted my head gently with his tentacles. "You kind of look like a young me."

"That's not what I meant. I meant, do you see another person when you look at me. Like, I change into someone else?"

"You're asking me if I see someone else inside of you, as if you change into someone else? In that case, sometimes I do. When you're around Karma or Nagisa, you tend to become a beautiful young lady. About the same age as you are now, maybe younger, with bright eyes and you're old hair style but with the blue hair. You wear a dress. A plain white dress and you're barefooted."

"I guess that I'm becoming like you more and more everyday. When I look at you, I see someone else too. You know who I see. I want to let you know, I'm not going to stop looking for a cure until the day you're suppose to die. You are my hero and you have been for a long time so now it's my turn to save you. If I can't, then I die with you too." I told him, but he didn't move a muscle or make a sound.

He wrapped his tentacles around me. That was all he could do. After that, he walked away, tears in his beady little eyes.

I went inside to go try and see if I could find out how to change Korosensei back, but only found Karma with his nose covered and Mr. Karasuno switching out the paper towels every time one got filled up. When I saw him, I ran over to take a closer look.

"Oh my god, Karma! Your nose is still bleeding?"

"Yeah. Nagisa got a pretty good swing at me." He honked out with his nose plugged with paper towel.

"I'm sorry. Ever since he found out..." I couldn't even say it out loud. He was my twin brother, but nobody really knew and I wanted it to stay that way until our mom found out. "... he's been a bit protective of me. You did exactly what you were suppose to do Karma. You found my weakness and we're going to strike. I'm so sorry for what happened." I told him.

"No big deal. I understand. You were shocked that I knew about the Reaper being your hero, due to the fact you were raised to be an assassin." He smiled.

"Yeah. It's not really my place to ask how you know though and right now, I don't care."

"There's one thing I want to ask you though." He said, taking the paper towel away to show the bleeding had mostly stopped.

"When you said at the field trip, everyone was talking about crushes, you also said that you were sorry. Why?"

My face went bright pink. I couldn't hide it. I realized something horrible. I went so pink, that every part of my body was pink. I was shaking my head in disbelief that it could have happened.

"Oh my god..." was all I could say, still shaking my head.

Karma got scared too. "Don't tell me it was Nagisa..."

"N...no." I told him, snapping out of it when he said that. "Definitely not Nagisa Shiota. Speaking of Nagisa, I'm going to go check on him. See if his mom is here yet. Or dad. Or just be any place but here." I whispered the last part, then sped off, trying to forget.

I decided to get my backpack first, but Ms. Jelavic was in there with the girls and they were looking through my stuff. When she noticed I came in, she still hadn't moved.

"Kaiko, is this the guy you were talking about that would break Yell-a-bitch, because she is definitely broken. She's drooling." Rio laughed, as I ran over and found that Jelavic was actually drooling on the picture of the Reaper.

"It is, now give it back. You haven't looked at any of the work, have you?" I asked them.

"Nobody touched anything but the picture." Kaede assured me.

"Good." I told them, then ripped the picture out of Ms. Jelavic hands then slapped her to wake her up. "Sorry about that. If I didn't, who knows when you were to wake up. Anyway, nobody ever touches my stuff again or Korosensei won't be my only target!" I growled.

"Kaiko? Why are you acting like this?"

"Ugh..." I groaned. "Jelavic got so much drool on the picture that it's blurry. I was going to burn it anyway. I don't actually need the picture. I have so much work to do, and so little time to do it so if you'll excuse me." I told them, shoving the picture back into my backpack before walking out of the room.

I knocked on the boys door. "Who is it!" Someone yelled.

"Your worst nightmare! Is Shiota in there?"


"Send him out!" I growled at the boys, and I heard whimpering.

When Nagisa came out, he was sent with a knife and a gun, meant for Korosensei. It would effect me if he used it but I don't think he was expecting me to be there. "Kaiko Hidori?"

"Is your mom or dad here yet?" I demanded.

"What's with you? You sound terrifying. You look terrifying." He told me, looking at me with fear.

"Look, I have too much to do by the end of the year and I just want to get this done. I have to talk to dad today. Is he coming or not?"

"Yeah. He should be here any second. Why don't you go out and look for him?"

"You're coming with me." I said, dragging him along.

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