Taken Back to Class

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As I was leaving the school, Korosensei stopped me. We sat down on a bench at a park where he stopped me. "Kaiko, we need to talk and we should talk now."

I wiped away my tears. "I'm so sorry. I should have stopped my father when I first saw him. Last night... I wasn't strong enough or fast enough to stop my father. He could have hurt Nagisa, Karma or anyone at the fair last night. I'm not the tough and fearless person you want me to be. I can't do anything more then what I was raised to do." I told him, looking at my feet.

Korosensei was confused. "You underestimate yourself. Your father snuck up on you. You can do a lot more then you think you can do. And I didn't think you were fearless, nobody is truly fearless, they just fear less then other people. Stop doubting yourself so much, Kaiko. Why don't you go wash up at the nearest bathroom, then we can go get some shirts that actually fit you."

"I'm going to make my father get me back to normal." I told Korosensei, not being able to look at him, knowing that I was going to see a man handsome man with black hair and the most amazing smile I have ever seen.

"Kaiko, I think that you better like this. I mean, it doesn't matter if you have a big chest or a small chest, it only matters who you are on the inside."

"A monster?" I asked, slightly looking over at Korosensei, only to see Grim Reaper looking back at me.

"No, a good person with a great personality and more skills then I have ever seen. Someone who cares about everyone she meets, because she never got cared for the way she treats others. Now, there is a bathroom across the street. Go wash the blood off, and I will pay for your new clothes. You can give your old ones to Jelavic when we get back. Then we can start our special class. I keep up my side of the deal."

I took a deep breath and agreed. I washed up before Korosensei took me shopping. I got a few dozen shirts before we went back to the school. As we left one of the stores, I changed into one of the new shirts. It was a yellow shirt with a smiley face on it, which Korosensei said looked kind of like him so he forcefully got me it and made me wear it. It did lift my spirits but I felt stupid wearing it.

When we got back to the school, I put all my new shirts into my bag, then went to the classroom where everyone was waiting, wearing their normal clothes. I sat down at my seat, everyone looking at me. Korosensei stood at the front of the classroom, the two other teachers standing in the corner of the room.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start this very special class. I want to know what everyone wants to be when they graduate. Now, we'll go in order then. Let's start with Karma Akabane. What do you want to do when you're older?"

Karma didn't even need to think. "Easy, Bureaucrat."

"Why is that?"

"Well, I like their actions behind national crisis."

"alright. What about you, Yuma Isogai, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Not sure yet, but I like tennis so maybe something to do with that?"

"You don't know, but you know what you like. Good. You don't have to know yet, just keep in mind some things that you might enjoy doing. You could play tennis professionally or you could get a score keeper or even a ball boy. Okajima, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Photographer." He told everyone, his head held high.


"Gymnast instructor."

"Good. Okuda?"

"Scientific researcher, I guess." She explained, shying away.

"Very good, something that you're good at. I'm sure you'll get it. You could become one with Kaiko."

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