3-E Beach Day: Part 3

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After showering with soap and scrubbing my skin off, I went back into the pool area. The puke was cleaned up and Korosensei was sitting in the shade with Nagisa. I walked over to them. "How're you doing, Nagisa?" I asked.

"Here's your photo album back." He told me, smiling. "I'm really sorry I threw up on you, but kissing my sister on the lips, is just gross."

"You're taking it a lot better then I thought you would." I told him, surprised.

"Well, I always knew there had to be a reason why everything is the way it is, and now I know. Besides, once Mom knows about you, she'll start leaving me alone. I also always knew my family was crazy, so I'm not surprised Dad did what he did to you."

I started laughing. "Well, I'm really happy that you're feeling better. I was actually going to tell you and Mother tonight but I guess I don't have to now. Anyway, when you feel good enough to join everyone again, I'll be seeing how many of the guys try to kiss me before realizing someone already won and how many of the girls are going to realize that you're not my type." I laughed, then walked away from them.

"Kaiko, wait!" Nagisa yelled, standing up. "Why don't we get Korosensei to take our first family photo?" he asked me, and I smiled brighter then I had in a really long time. I was truly happy he asked that.

"Of course." I said, then ran back over to them. Nagisa and I stood side by side.

"Oh, and I didn't throw up because I kissed you or because of the news. It turned out I had some bad sushi this morning and it made me sick, but it just happened to be at the wrong time." He explained.

I laughed. "Well, that was terrible timing." I said, looking at the camera. Nagisa and I took tons of photos together. Funny faces, funny poses, a normal one, one where he kissed my cheek and of course after that i needed one where i kissed his cheek. When we finished, we both were laughing so hard. "Wait! I need another photo!" I yelled, then ran off at mach 10. I came back with Itona. "Korosensei, give the camera to Nagisa. You're going to be in this one."

He was shocked, but did what he was told. He stood in the middle with Itona and I on either side of him. Tons more pictures were taken of different poses. Itona even wanted to recreate the one on page 33, but i refused. After they were all taken, I decided to go have more fun.

"Thanks guys! Now, i have to see who wants to win this kiss contest the most." I told them, then went to where all the guys were huddled to talk about plans. I walked up behind them. "What are you guys doing?" i asked, and they all jumped.

"I want a kiss!" Everyone screamed, except for Karma, who was just hanging out in the corner.

"What about you Karma? Do you want a kiss too?" i asked, and soddenly felt all the girls watching and snickering. They saw me with the boys. I walked over to Karma and got into his face. "Huh Karma? Do you want one, or would you rather come to my house tonight?" I whispered, and he was trying so hard not to turn red. "Or maybe tomorrow night we could sneak out to the picnic area?" I whispered in his ear.

"Okay! I give up! I'm sorry!" He screamed, his face going redder then a tomato.

"Your cute when your flustered." i told him, then turned to the boys. "So, who's the first one to kiss me?"

"Me!" All of them screamed at once.

"Sorry guys, but there was already a winner, but maybe next time one of you will win because Nagisa is no longer able to." I told them, and their eyes widened. There was a horrifying sound that came from Karma.

"Nagisa won?" He screeched. "But..." I cut him off.

"Karma, stop freaking out. Take a deep breath. We ran into each other. I don't even think he meant to kiss me when he did. He's not stupid you know. And boys, that was a stupid thing to do! Making a kissing contest without the person's permission! You are so lucky that it has to do with killing Korosensei otherwise I would smack every one of you guys as hard as I could upside the head!" I yelled, then walked off, all of them terrified of me.

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