Lab Work

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When we got to the last stop, Korosensei dismissed us there. Some went back to get their weapons but I was just going to get mine tomorrow morning. I said bye to my friends and left with Itona. We ended up racing to the lab, and I was 6.4 seconds faster then him.

"Still faster then me, I see."

"I am, but I was also upset and running is a good way to blow off steam. Anyway, do you think my name will still work in the system?"

"It should. Let's go find a computer." He said, and we walked down the long halls until we found one. And it just so happened that there was a printer beside it. I signed into the computer but instead of playing games, I searched the whole system for Grim Reaper: 1; God of Death: 1. I found tons of pictures of him, but the best one I found was with him smirking in that way that would make a woman pass out if you looked at it long enough. I printed it an quickly deleted my search and print history.

"Thanks Itona. That exactly what I needed. I'll see you tomorrow. Hopefully you'll be able to come to the festival."

"Friday night I can. See you there." He smiled and waved before I took my print and ran out of there as fast as I could. Mach 12 was what I got to.

I didn't stop running until I got home. I emailed myself all the information on the experiments to see if there was anyway to reverse the effects of the experiments. I found that on Korosensei's experiments, there was something that he didn't have that Itona and I did have. I printed everything out on my printer then ran right to the school. I found Korosensei right away.

"Kaiko, is there something I can help you with?" He asked.

"Can I use the science equipment?"

"Of course. I'm just about to go home, but you're welcome to stay as long as you want, as long as you don't blow up the school." He told me, and I nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Reaper." I told him, bowing. "I promise I'll clean up after."

"Goodnight Kaiko." He said, then sped out of the school.

I realized I was going to need more then just my two hands if I was going to get it before school started in the morning. I let my tentacles come out of my neck and back. I tested them out a bit before actually carrying breakable stuff. Once I got used to them, I set up some stuff.

I worked all night, trying to find the right mixture of chemicals to work. I had papers and beakers spread out over everyone's desks. I was moving mach 12 and still wasn't fast enough to get everything figured out before sun rise. Korosensei came in to find everything there. I was speeding to try and figure out the right mixture when he found me.

"Korosensei, you're back."

"I am. What is all this?" he asked, shocked to see everything.

"I was just working on something. I'll clean it up know." I told him, then sped off. In ten minutes, everything was all cleaned up and I had the papers in my backpack. Luckily I kept the picture in my backpack the whole time so he didn't even know I had it. When everything was cleaned up, I wanted to put my tentacles back, but Korosensei asked me not to.

"Kaiko, while those are out, would you mind helping me set up for the festival tonight? Everything is outside. We just need to set it up." He told me.

"Of course, Korosensei."

We spent hours setting up the huge festival. There was tons of booths and lights above and Korosensei even made a huge gondola at the edge of the mountain. The festival was so huge, that it went from one side of the school, all the way to the other side of the mountain to the cliff area with the gondola.

"I got a lot of people to work through the weekend, and there are flyers everywhere so hopefully there's lots of people coming."

"With this set up, I'm sure there will be. And Korosensei, about what I said on the train, when I said you were the person who was there for me and allowed me to be the person there for Itona. At the lab, I heard a man screaming all the time, but he never ever gave up. He just kept screaming. Knowing that there was someone who could get through those experiments, allowed me to live through the horrible things they did to me, which eventually led me to helping a boy who just wanted to give up and die. You've been there for me even when I didn't know you. This class, it's just putting my life together like a puzzle. I know that you didn't know you were helping anyone but staying alive before, but when I look in your eyes, I can see the man you once were. I don't see some slimy octopus everyone sees, I see a kind man who is helping his students."

He started laughing. "Knowing you, I'm sure you do. You muse be really tired and sweaty after that. About a mile out, there's a waterfall that hidden in the forest. I'm sure that you could have a shower there and lose the smell."

"Is it really that bad?" I asked him, really upset.

"No! Not at all! I just thought you might want one after all the work you did!"

"Well, actually, I forgot my weekend bag at home so I was going to go grab it, but would be nice to have a relaxing nature shower." I told him, rubbing my chin.

He ran and came back with a towel, shampoo and a bar of soap. "Why don't you ask a friend to grab it for you? You deserve to have a nice cold shower after being awake all night and helping me set up."

I took my phone out of my pocket. "Yeah, okay. I'm sure Nagisa can grab it for me. I'm just going to grab my backpack. Thank you again, Korosensei." I told him, then quickly grabbed my backpack and ran to the waterfall.

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