3-E Beach Day: part 2

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I walked over to Itona. He was smiling bright. I didn't understand why, but he had one hand behind his back. "Hi, Kaiko!"

"Hi, Itona. It's been a while." I laughed.

"Yeah. You haven't grown much, other then your chest. That's gotten a lot bigger." He smirked, looking at them. I wanted to slap him, but instead I just hugged him tight.

"I am so glad that you're okay. You were so terrified when I met you. I didn't think you would be okay, but I can see that you're better then ever." I said, tears uncontrollably falling down my face. "You're a lot more muscular, and your eyes are bigger and apparently you're Korosensei's brother. You lived at the lab, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. I still do. I'm guessing you haven't taken on Korosensei with all your power yet because he's still alive. You're the only person stronger then me that I will never kill. You graduated the program before me. You haven't taken your tentacles out, right? Giving the others a chance first?"

I was so shocked at what he said. "I don't have tentacles." I explained, calmly.

"Of course you do! Here, I found our photo album. Your Father wouldn't let you take it so you left it with me, remember?" he asked, handing me a little book that was blue. "You got it because it matched your hair. At least, it did before it turned white. I like what you did with it now."

I rubbed my hand over the cover of the small album. I was starting to remember some things, but most of me memories were faded other then the torturous experiments. I looked at the picture on the front. It was the day I had lost my second front tooth. We booth didn't have two front teeth so I got a doctor to take a picture of us. The took pictures all the time of us, treated us like kids. Now I know though, they had a full-grown man in the same lab by the cave. I looked through the pictures, and it was always just us or doctors with masks on. There was a two, kind, normal looking people who were our caretakers. The male was Yuki and was Itona's caretaker and the female was Sakura, and she was my caretaker. I remember our rooms were next to each other. I was so happy there was another kid there with me when he showed up. The first picture in the album of us was the day we met. We became friends right away. He was so weak and fragile then. Just looking at the pictures, I remembered every moment, good and bad. The last picture we had, was the day I left when I was ten. We spent five years together and five years apart. Now, we're back together.

I hugged Itona again. "Thank you so much. I'm going to put this in my backpack right away so I don't forget it."

"I also got you this." he told me, and handed me a brand new, expensive, camera. I was so shocked, that my legs nearly gave up on me. "I figured it was the least I could do after you helped me so much back then. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you encouraging me to stick through it. Now, if you look on page 33, you'll find that you do have them." he told me, giving me the camera. He put the camera strap around my neck and stood back as I turned pages.

It was just after our hair turned white, maybe a day or two after, and we both had tentacles sticking out of our necks. I shut the book, not wanting to remember that. "thank you again Itona."

"There's one more thing. The boys made a bet and every guy had to go to the meeting yesterday. Everyone has one chance to kiss you. The first person to do it, gets to use a shotgun in attendance tomorrow but everyone else has to use guns. Korosensei even agreed to stand still for 2 seconds, enough time for a bullet to hit him."

"You aren't kissing me." I told him, laughing.

"I would have if it were a cheek kiss, but it has to be on the lips and you're my sister so I couldn't." he told me, and I waved as I walked back to the changing rooms. I put the photo album away, but kept the camera out because it was completely water proof. I was so focused with my camera, I almost forgot about that bet. Almost every guy was spotting me, trying to find the right time to make a move.

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