Festival: Part Three

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I went back to the festival, which made me so happy, because I didn't have to deal with my father or Korosensei or even figure out what was wrong with my mother. I just went to find Karma. Karma was going to be my only thought for the rest of the night, that's what I promised myself. I met him at this small game that he won, getting a stuffed animal for me.

"Do you like blue, pink or red better?" he asked me.

"Red, of course. So, what are we doing at the festival tonight?"

"Well, I have some news."

I smiled at him. "Is it good or bad news?"

"Depends in how you take it."

"Okay, go on then."

Karma sighed, looking me in the eyes. "My parents are actually rich, like yours. They just own the café and only I live in the café. Most of the time my parents are in India and they just left again."

"I figured. You wouldn't know how to use a gun if your family just owned a café. Besides, you ran out on a fancy dinner with the owners of the café branch and you didn't get into trouble, so there had to be something with that. Anyway, now that you're parents are in India for a while, it gives us more time to spend time together alone." I laughed, as we walked away.

The next thing I knew, someone was following me. I knew they were big and fast. I turned to the left to see Nagisa and my father there, talking, but Nagisa didn't seem very interested in what he was saying. I could tell Korosensei was watching both my father and myself. I told Karma to leave ahead and that I would meet him at the classroom. As soon as Karma left, Korosensei ran up behind me.

"What do you want?" I asked him, not even looking back.

"Kaiko, I'm sorry for earlier. It isn't right for a teacher such as myself, to hurt someone's father, no matter what they did."

"Actually, I was hoping you were scare him off, but it doesn't seem like you did. He is a complete jerk for putting me through all that he did, but he still loves Nagisa like a person and not a subject, and I'm respecting that. One day though, when I become the next Grim Reaper, I'll hunt him down. I'll slice an artery in his neck and watch him bleed out slowly and painfully in front of me. I'll make sure he pays for what he's done and what he will do, and I know he will do something else to me." I told Korosensei, laughing like a psycho.

"Kaiko, you could be anything you want. The skills you have learned could be used for many different jobs. You could be anything you want to be. You have great grades, you're very athletic and you have no fear."

I turned to Korosensei this time. "No fear? I am afraid every day and every night. I wake up every morning dripping in sweat, after dreaming about what he and those disgusting men and woman did to me. I know that not all of them were bad, but the ones who are, need to be punished and who better to punish them then the one who they ruined."

I went back to looking at my father. He made a joke which made Nagisa laugh, and the next thing I knew, he forgot all about the things he did to me. That man was very decisive. He would make people think he was a good man with no problem, but he was the one who made me into this monster. "Kaiko, if you could be anything else, what would you be?" Korosensei asked me.

"I have no other ideas. learning to kill is all I've ever done."

"Have you ever killed anyone before?" he asked me.

"I have. It actually gets harder the more I do it, but it's my job. It's what I was raised to do."

Korosensei gave me a sympathetic look in his human form. He was, once again, just a man to me. "It doesn't get any easier to kill, Kaiko. You should think of something else to do. Why don't you walk around and ask what jobs people do. Try and find something you want to do with your life, other then becoming an assassin."

My head dropped. "And what if I want to become an assassin?"

He put his hands on my shoulders, my eyes going to his. "Kaiko, you are smart. Why don't you become a scientist? You're very good at that, and math is something else you're good at."

"Scientists made me like this, but I will find the cure for you. I'll use my blood to save you, I promise." I told him, tears stinging my eyes.

The smile on his human face grew, which made my heart skip a beat. "You can try Kaiko, but I know it won't work. I'm okay with death. I'm ready for it."

I tackled him with a hug. "I don't want you to die. I don't want any of us to kill you. I don't care about the money, the world needs you! We need you! We've all been so much better since you came to Class 3-E. You can't just leave us at the end of the year."

He laughed slightly. "I'm teaching you everything I can about life, so that when you all go on to what you're going to do with your lives, that you'll be able to make a difference with the world. Become your own Korosensei. I know you'll be able to make a difference in the world when you're older. I'll tell you what, if you ask around about jobs to some of the men and women working here tonight, I'll do a special class tomorrow?"

"Okay, we'll do that." I told him.

I ran after Karma. I grabbed his arm, and we continued around the fair, doing as much as we could. He got me a lot of stuffed animals, charms, food, drinks and lots of manga. Somehow he even managed to win me a Naruto headband and the entire series of Another in manga.

I was having fun, until I was left alone for a minute. Karma and I were in the forest, just walking around and talking, when he realized he forgot his phone at one of the booths. I stood, waiting fro him, but when I heard footsteps coming towards me, I looked back to see my father. He had a baseball abt. Before I could do anything, he hit my in the head. He stuck some sort of paralyzer into me.

"So, you don't want to be a girly girl anymore. I can fix that easily." He laughed like a psycho, and then I was asleep.

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