Worst "Best" Gym Class Ever

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Gym, my favourite subject here. Mr. Karasuna was teaching. "Everyone, today we're going to have a duel. Kaiko has agreed to be Korosensei in this activity. Now, if anyone can beat her, you'll be able to beat Korosensei. If she hits you with paint, you're out. If you fall, you're out. You must hit her torso area to win. If you hit her limbs or face, you get extra points. I'll be keeping track of everybody's points. If nobody can hit her, she gets 100 points and wins. Now, you start on her mark!" He yelled to everyone.

Tentacles came out of my neck and spread out everywhere. It was too late for me not to be anything else but to become just like Kurosensei. I got ready for this game. At least it would be fun to see what I could do with these tentacles. I just felt bad for Itona. Using tentacles in front of him after he lost his, but it was for the greater good. It's just too bad none of them knew the truth. Then again, maybe that was the best thing. They wouldn't want to kill him if they knew the truth. They would all want to save him like I do. This so-called game was going to help them so I had to do it. It also helps me. Helping me to ignore what other people think and start fending for myself and not just fighting everyone and anyone.

"I'm ready." I told everyone, and they started attacking.

They had come up with a plan, probably Karma's plan. They split up, each taking a few tentacles. They tried their best, but they started going down one-by-one. Half the class had paint on them after only two minutes. Thy put up quite a fight but I hadn't even taken a step from where I was originally standing yet.

"Shiota!" Hinata Okano yelled. I turned my head to look at Nagisa but got struck when I wasn't looking at her. She sliced my arm which started bleeding. That's when I realized Nagisa was a huge weakness of mine now. I didn't grow up with him, but we are definitely twins and I couldn't ignore that. My face turned red as I turned back to Hinata. She smirked and I hit her with paint so hard that she fell onto her back and tumbled a few feet. Everyone had realized that Nagisa was a weakness of mine now so I had to be extra careful.

I heard a screech that nearly blew my eardrums out but I couldn't get too distracted. The best hand-to-hand fighters were still left plus more. I was fighting really hard, but I couldn't keep this up, nor after helping Korosensei this morning. I was going so fast that nobody had even seen my arm bleeding yet. Soon it was only Itona, Meg, Hinata, Yuma, Karma and Nagisa. I didn't know why I hadn't hit Nagisa or Karma yet, because they would be easy compared to the others. Even Itona would be harder to hit and he has been fighting with tentacles his whole life. When Korosensei came out and started cheering for me, that's when I nearly broke.

"Let's go Kaiko Sensei! You are doing great as me!" The Octopus cheered.

That was almost all I could handle for one day. I got slower as I remembered how Korosensei looked like before. That smirk on his face that made him look so happy. Now he had a goofy grin stuck on his face for the rest of his life. He had to show emotions through his face changing colour. I couldn't help but think about how he might have had his own family before he became this. Maybe not siblings, but he must have had parents, a girlfriend, cousins, something. He might have been an assassin but he couldn't have been alone forever.

Someone started taunting me. It was Rio. "Nagisa number two, please, she's not even close to Nagisa's level."

I thought back to the start of this battle. At the beginning he had lots of chances to hit me, but he didn't take any of them. I was his weakness too. I was standing still in the same spot, but I finally said something for the first time.

"Nagisa, stop holding back. This isn't like you. You're a python when it comes to strategic thinking and fighting, so ignore the stupid hair dye. It's just that, hair dye. Remember that I grew up in a lab and that I'm not human. Now, hit me with that knife or I will throw you into the forest." I told him, calmly. "And Rio, don't call me Nagisa number two." I told her, then put another dot of paint on her, but this time on her forehead.

Karma and Itona worked together to hit my other arm, but I got Itona. He was out. Meg, Hinata and Yuma all got out shortly after him, trying to just hit my torso by themselves.

"How could you fight your boyfriend like this? It's very rude and causes problems in a relationship to fight."

"Says the guy who talks to himself and makes fun of his girlfriend all the time. Besides, Nagisa puked on me and we're still friends. I have to kill Korosensei and he is my enemy right now but he's still the best teacher I have ever had. The first friend I ever had too." I told Karma, which didn't seem to slow him down much. It just made him smirk.

"Well, you know most of my secrets, right? You somehow got me to wear a bikini and can talk me into almost anything except into letting you win this game. What I am most surprised about though Karma, is that you were fine with that kissing game and how you weren't jealous at all about Nagisa being my first kiss."

He was starting to break. He was getting easier to fight. "Not at all, blue hair."

"You know, during that trip, all the girls were talking about their crushes. All I can say is sorry." I told him, and that was almost enough to stop him.

"Go ahead and keep talking Nagisa wannabe. You read that shampoo bottle, you wanted your hair to be blue, didn't you?" He smirked when he saw he was getting to me. "You know, your mom was really nice but that wasn't your real mom, right? You have a real mom and brother but you don't talk about them, right? You wanted to die before you could meet them. You hide the experiment's effects from them because your afraid. Your family is just as crazy as you, aren't they? Are you going to be a lone assassin your whole life or are you going to be just like your hero, the Reaper?"

I stopped playing the game. All of my tentacles just stopped moving and dropped to the ground. I fell to my knees. My arms were still bleeding and my gym clothes were soaked with my own blood but I didn't care. Nagisa knew that it had gone too far, as well as Korosensei. Nagisa walked over to Karma and punched him in the face, drawing blood. Korosensei ran to me, and wrapped my arms up.

"The anti-me knives are piercing your skin now. It's not to late to..." I cut him off.

"I came here to be my psycho self, but I realized I wasn't psycho. I can't kill you Korosensei. I'm not the assassin I was raised to be. I can't even read a shampoo bottle right. If I hadn't been so distracted this morning, my hair would still be white and I wouldn't look like Nagisa. I have destroyed years and years of work done by my father. I can't hide anything from anyone. I'm not an assassin, I'm the one that needs to be assassinated. Just stab me and get it over with. Take me somewhere far away from them and just get rid of me." I told Korosensei, and Nagisa and Karma stopped fighting with each other. Everyone just started looking at me.

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