Secrets Revealed

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We got to the small restaurant. I was still holding Karma's hand but there was someone sitting next to Father. A boy with blue hair in pig tails and a grey school uniform. My smiled faded to confusion. My hand dropped from Karma's.

"Where is he?" Karma asked, not realizing anything.

"How about we get something to eat here? All that running made me hungry." I told him, my voice filled with sadness.

"Maybe we shouldn't. That looks like Nagisa over there."

"Please, come in with me. I don't know if I can go in there alone." I begged, and he nodded, taking my hand again. We walked in and Karma sat beside my Father, the man beside Nagisa who was obviously there with him. I listened in to their conversation as Karma ordered our food.

Father smiled at Nagisa. "So, Nagisa, I told you I wanted to be a better father, so what if I said your Mother and I were getting back together?" He asked, and it felt like my throat was swelling up. I could barely breath. It felt like my lungs were going to explode if I moved. Nagisa couldn't possibly be my brother, could he? I mean, we are the same height and everything, but we don't really look alike, do we? And he's the same age as me, so we would have to be twins if we were. "We might even get remarried."

That's when I couldn't handle it anymore. I turned forward and shoved my face in a menu. Nagisa turned to his Father, but instead saw Karma. "Karma, what are you doing here?" He asked, and my face was deep in the menu, hiding my face completely.

"Just here for a bite to eat." He smirked, with a crazed look in his eye. I blushed so red, that I had to hide my face from him too so I couldn't see anything that was going on. "What about you?"

"Just meeting with my dad. We usually come here, but he's been around since the beginning of the summer, but with that class field trip, I didn't get to spend a lot of time with him, so I'm making up for it." Making up for it? He left me so he could come here to visit with my brother who is actually in my class. It was weird that we've been going to the same school for a long time but I never even knew that he was in the same school, though class E isn't exactly part of the school. "Who's behind the menu?" Nagisa asked, and my heart started pounding. "Are you on a secret date or something?"

That's when I knew I was done. My face went bright, bright pink. I realized everything was pink. Every part of my skin was a rosey pink. The same colour Korosensei turns when he's in love. My stomach dropped into a pit. Was I becoming like Korosensei? I didn't know what Father did to me. I might sprout tentacles and change colour. I might become a living emoji like him one day. This might have just become something more then finding my Father and Mother and brother who left me. This might be finding my Father and forcing him to tell me what he did to me. I wondered if he made Korosensei the way he was too. I remembered him telling me about the God of Death and how he used to be a master assassin before he was turned into what he is now. He said something happened to the woman he loved, so what if he did it and he got out of control when it happened. What if I got that way, and I killed someone I love becoming a monster, not like Korosensei.

Tears fell down my face. Too many things were happening at once. I wished I had my hair back. The hair cut Korosensei was my very first hair cut. I put the menu down, ripping the flower out of my hair. I was completely insane. The only reason why I did it was for my Father, but he didn't care about me. I was just his science experiment. I bet that Nagisa was suppose to be the one to get all this done to him, but my Mother was just as crazy as my Father. Tears were falling down my face, but I started laughing as my skin turned back to normal. I just started laughing like a maniac.

I said two words. "Born assassin." I kept laughing as hard as I could. There was nobody else in there other then the four of us and one person cooking in the back, but they couldn't hear me over the sizzling oil.

"What?" All three asked at the same time. Karma gave me a worried look.

"Look around." I told Karma, and he did. When he realized there was nobody else there, he looked back at me shocked. I just kept laughing. "This is what my life is Karma. All the best people are crazy, but the very best are people who show their crazy. Maybe that's why I was put into 3-E, or maybe it's just because I'm like you. A violent person who doesn't care what anyone thinks of them. I was raised to have no emotions and to be able to handle any situation. I was born an assassin. That term, was made for me."

"Oh, that term." they all said, but the others didn't know why Nagisa's dad knew anything about anything. I looked at the man who did this to me.

"So, doctor, I heard you were getting remarried to Nagisa's Mother. That's nice. It's so nice to see a Father caring so much about his kid." I told him, murder shining in my eyes. Karma grabbed my hand to calm me down. He was right, I couldn't tell Nagisa about anything. It would ruin his relationship with our Father, and it seemed to be that Father was the thing that made him feel better at the end of the day. I sighed. I kissed Karma on the cheek. "Anyway, thanks for a nice time. I'm going to head home. See you at school tomorrow." I told him, then walked outside. As soon as I got outside, I sped off to home.

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