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*the next day*

I woke up around 9:47 from my phone ringing. "Hello?" I said my throat super dry.
"Hey Y/N! Its Ashton Why do you sound weird? Are you alright? He asked. "Oh hey Ash. Yeah, I just woke up thanks to you." I said with a bit of sass but it didn't sound like it because of my throat. "I think im losing my voice." I told him honestly. "Well, what's your favourite soup and movie?" Ashton asked. "Why?" I asked him curiously. "Just tell me." He said sounding impatient. "Um okay, its, (favourite sad movie) and (favourite soup). I said nervously. "Why do you wanna know?" I said really wanting to know why. "You'll see." He said. And before I could say anything else he hung up.

*Time skip*

Ashton's POV

I hung up before she could ask any more questions because I could tell it hurt her to talk. As soon as I hung up I got ready and went to the store to buy her some soup and some movies. When I finished i drove to her house and started knocking. A few seconds later she appeared at the door and was about to speak before I cut her off. "Hey-" "Give me your phone and dont say another word." I demanded. She put up a finger telling me to hold on. A couples seconds later she came back and handed me her phone also letting me into her house. I downloaded an app that Michael's mute cousin uses called Text-speak, so that she could use that instead of speaking and her voice would get better. When it asked for the password I gave it back and started explaining the app to her.

Time skip 30 mins into the movie

We just started watching Y/N's favourite movie when I heard her crying. "How are you already crying? Its only been half am hour!" I asked confused to how she could already be crying. Unless it wasnt the movie. "My head hurts, like a lot. Ow ow ow. Ashton help me! She said sounding panicked. "Okay,okay calm down. Now, where's the medicine cabinet?" I asked her trying to help her. "Upstairs, ow! Second door on your left. Hurry Ashy!" She said. I noticed what she said but right now I didn't care. She was in pain and I needed to help her. I ran upstairs as fast as I could to find the medicine cabinet she was talking about and when I came downstairs she was unconscious.
I know im evil but you wouldnt hurt me would you?

If that was a yes than I wouldnt be able to update anymore and you would be left on a cliffhanger forever. So let me try again... I know Im evil but you wouldnt hurt me would you? If you said no then thanks. If you said no from the beginning i apologize for making you read all of this. Okay good morning/night you lovely people also im doing a qna chapter for just me so if you have any questions for me leave them in the comments below and have a good morning/night everyone. Love ya!

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