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"Please be okay Y/N." I hear a voice say someone holding my hand. I can't do anything. I can't speak, I can't open my eyes. I don't even know where I am. I try moving my hand so that whoever is holding it knows I can hear them. "Dude, are you alright?" I hear another voice. I know that voice. Ashton. I hear a smack. "No, I'm not Ashton. Just leave me alone. Please." He says. I can hear him crying. I try opening my eyes. They open slightly. Then close again. Then Everything goes quiet again.


"Hello?" I answer the phone after pausing the tv. "Is this Y/N?" The voice asks. "Yeah, who's this?" I ask curiously into the phone. "It's Mr Brown. Come outside please." He says. "Why?" I ask confused. "I need to talk to you." He said. Then the phone line went dead. I got up and went into the front yard to meet Mr Brown. When I got up to him I could see he was crying. "Mr B-" I said. Getting cut off by a hug. "Y/N, I'm so sorry." He said crying into my shoulder. "What happened?!" I yell starting to cry. I know something really bad happened. Mr Brown never cries. "Your parents..." He said shaking. "What happened Mr Brown!!" I yell frustratedly. "They're gone Y/N. I'm sorry." He said quietly. He let go of me and looked into my eyes. The once vibrant (E/C) they always had now gone completely from my eyes. Making them a grayish brown. I was crying now. I ran back into my house and cried some more. Then I decided I was calmed down enough to call Sam. "Please pick up Sammy." I begged as the phone rang.
"Hello?" I hear Sam on the other end.
"Sam?" I say starting to cry again.
"Oh. N/N, what's wrong?" He asked concerned.
"My parents are gone Sammy!" I cry into the phone. "What?!" He yells. "Y/N this better not be a joke!" He yells angrily into the phone. I pull it away until he stops yelling. "Would I really joke about this Sam?!" I yell into the phone. Anger boiling inside of me. "Don't call this number again, orphan!" He shouts into the phone. Then the line went dead. I started crying and knew that I would never talk, trust or even think about anyone other than my parents and the hurtful things Sam just said to me.


This was really hard to write. But I thought that this book was going too well. So I decided to put more emotions into it. I put some music on while making this chapter but then got stuck replaying 'We're in Heaven' by DJ Sammy. (That's not where I got the name) I was going to make this a happy chapter but then the song played and I wasn't in the cheeriest mood so I made a sad chapter. I hope you liked the emotional chapter. I'm currently writing the next one. Thank you for reading.


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