The big surprise

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Can anyone guess what Calum's surprise is going to be? Don't cheat and read it before you answer. Ashton doesn't know what's coming and you don't know anything about it. Remember that freshman Ashley? Well she is going to be in the next chapter so don't forget about her.
Calum's POV

As soon as I finished telling Ashton where to meet I went over to (Y/N)
House. I rang the doorbell and heard footsteps coming and a couple locks then I saw her. The girl I love, (Y/N). She waved for me to come in. I guess she didn't have her phone on her. I followed her into the kitchen where she grabbed a cup and showed it to me, offering me something to drink. "Water" was all I said as she put the cup away and grabbed a mug instead. She started some coffee and grabbed me a water bottle. Once her coffee had finished brewing, she put it in her travel mug and we left. I'm not quite sure where we're going but I guess I'll find out soon enough. We started walking opposite of the school.
(Y/N) and I walked through some vines that are hanging from two trees. We walked up to the river I told Ashton to meet me at. How does (Y/N) know about this place? I mentally asked myself.
"Um (Y/N) how do you know about this place?" I asked her, my curiosity getting the best of me.
"My sister and I used to come here all the time when one of us were mad at our parents or if we just needed a break from being around each other. That was before she died in the crash with my parents. I haven't been back till now. She said as we sat on a bench near the river. I saw tears start to form in her eyes. "Oh no, don't cry (Y/N) it's okay. I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere. Now come on its getting pretty late we should head back home." I said as the sun started to set. She nodded and stood up. I walked her home then I went home to get ready for Ashton's big surprise the next day.

*time skip to the next morning*

I woke up to someone calling me from downstairs.
"Calum baby come eat your breakfast!"
"Coming mom!" I called back to her so she didn't think I was ignoring her. I got up and went to the kitchen. "What's for breakfast?" I asked my mom who was at the stove making something. "Eggs, bacon and toast. It should be ready in a couple minutes." My mom told me as I sat down. "Great I'm starving!" I said as she placed a great big plate of food in front of me.

*time skip to that night*

I told Ashton to meet me at the river at 8:00 sharp for his surprise tonight. I can't believe he would hit on my girlfriend! It would be a completely different story if he didn't know we were together but to hit on her when he knows that she's my girlfriend?! These are the thoughts that went through my head as I walked up to the river. Ashton was already waiting on the bench (Y/N) and I were sitting on yesterday. "Hey Ashton!" I called to him then hid behind a bush so he couldn't see me. "Hey-" he said as he turned around and realized that he couldn't see anyone.

*Ashton's POV*

"Hey Ashton!" I heard someone call. "Hey-" I said as I turned around towards the entrance and realized there was no one there. "Who said that?" I said a bit scared. "I did!" I heard a voice yell as someone punched me in the face. Whoever it was punched me in the eye so I couldn't quite make out who it was. "This is for hitting on my girlfriend!" He yelled as he punched me in the mouth. I could taste blood. That's never a good thing.

*(Y/N) POV*

Calum was right. He would always be there for me no matter what. I decided to go down to the river where Calum and I had gone yesterday. As I was about the open the vines to the entrance, I heard yelling. I saw Calum beating someone up but because they were on the ground I couldn't tell who it was. I knew for sure that one of them was Calum but I couldn't for the life of me make out who the other one was. I ran out of the vines and towards Calum in front of whoever he was about to punch and got punched in the stomach. "What have I done?!" I heard someone yell then I blacked out.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry for the cliff hanger I just didn't know where to end it and it was getting really long. Comment if you want shorter or longer chapter also what do you think is gonna happen next? Find out at noon tomorrow. Canadian time. Bye!

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