Yelling and screaming

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As soon as I got Luke's text I burst into tears. Ashton comes over, a worried expression on his face. "What happened? Is it Cal and I? We're okay, aren't we Calum?" He said giving Calum a Bro hug. I showed Ashton the text too upset to sign anything. "What?!" He exclaimed. "Will someone explain to me what happened?!" Calum yells. I can tell that he's upset now too. Ashton started yelling at him. "You were supposed to tell her in person. You don't think this news is hard enough as it is? And now she had to have Luke TEXT it to her!" He yells making me scared. I think Calum noticed because he started telling Ashton to stop screaming. "Ash! Stop, you're scaring Y/N."

----------------------------------hello my lovely bookworms, I apologize for not updating in a while. Tbh I actually forgot about this book and I've been focused on school but I will try to update more often from now on. Love you my lovely bookworms!

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