Chapter 10; Getting Fingered in Public

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"Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend

No way no way I think you need a new one

Hey hey you you I could be your girlfriend"

- Avril Lavigne, 'Girlfriend'


                I'm just going to once again mention how horrible I am at parties.

                I was also hoping that John and Keller would remember that fact and decide that maybe it was a good idea for me to stake out back at the dorm and watch documentaries about the feeding patterns of the water buffalo.

                But no, Keller was determined to break me out of my comfort zone (which, really, hadn't the last two weeks been full of me doing just that?) and to make things right with Eleanor by sticking me in a tiny dress, plopping me onto a pair of high heels and smearing some make up on my face. The only thing that she didn't try to fix was the massive puff on my head because it was untamable. I had settled with putting it in a messy bun and praying that it would be dark enough in whatever venue that we were going to so that no one would notice.

                It turns out that we were going to some nightclub right off of campus. It was crazy crowded, which was the biggest red flag warning since the time where there was a salmonella outbreak on campus and the administration posted large ‘FISH IS THE WORST DISH SERVED COLD' signs all over the buildings.

                Keller and John skipped inside in front of me while I was greeted by a large palm to the face.

                "ID?" the large bouncer growled.

                Are you serious? No one else had been asked to show any form of identification! And I looked at least eighteen that night. Either way, I was not about to get in trouble with law enforcement and fished my license out of my pocket.

                The bouncer laughed. I'm not even kidding. It was a loud snort followed by a string of tiny, little-girl giggles. Oh, come on. My picture was horrible (one of my eyes is closed and my hair makes up most of the background) but he should of at least had the decency to pretend like it wasn't funny. "Are you sure this is you?" he asked, still chuckling to himself.

                It wasn't hard to tell. You don't find someone willing to show that picture to get into a nightclub very often.

                "Um, yeah?" I answered unsure of myself. I don't even know why I was unsure because I'm positive that I know when my birthday is.

                "Hey, this one's with me." One of the last people that I wanted to see (read: Harry) swooped in from out of nowhere, draping his arm around my bare shoulders. People really needed to stop touching my shoulders. It was beginning to creep me out.

                "No problem," the bouncer flashed Harry a smile and stepped out of the way to let the two of us in.

                That had to have been set up. It was a scientifically proven fact that I looked older than Harry did. It must have been his hair and how he was wearing a blazer. Damn, I needed to take some lessons from that kid.

                "Hunter, you came!" Harry said giddily as we pushed through the hoards of people. I didn't know any of them, by the way. Which made sense because it was Eleanor and Louis's party and I obviously didn't have as vast as a social circle as they did, but still. I couldn't even pick Keller's face out in the crowd. "Isn't this a sick party?" he asked, motioning at the strangers surrounding us. "That's the best part about Liam; he always knows how to get shit done."

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